- Hi welcome again to UndergrowTv, this time we've got a special plant to take a look.
- Let's see a follower's exemplar... He has it on his
- terrace. Let's take a deep look to that... We've brought
- one for that reason... To look at the details of this plant.
- We'll describe it while showing you this garden. Let's watch this.
- Let's talk about automatic plants. It receives its name because of the easy and automatic process
- very reliable if you've aquired feminized seeds. You'll have no problem if you feed it well, nodrish roots,
- growing it in a good pot, and as much hours of light, better. We've visited a follower with a really interesting
- variety. It's a Northern Light Automatic by White Label bank owned by Sensi Seeds to the
- genetic line they're working... Seeds with really good prize so you just know...
- Fruits look excellent... He's a follower with a few details to be careful with so...
- Let's comment his errors to avoid the same problems to others. A 90% indica plant, always with rudelaris,
- it's a compact Northern Lights Automatic plant by Sensi Seeds... High quality seed with medium production.
- We don't like to make false promises... This one has a good production... Medium production.
- Not bad but if you plant other strains like critical you'll get more weight. But here we're looking for this fruity
- flavours typical in Northern Lights... It's very faithful to the original Northern Lights.
- This version comes with this rudelaris genetic making it automatic avoiding problems for light contamination.
- It can be growed in places where a normal plant couldn't. No problem with street lights during night for example
- so you can plant it on a window, on your balcony... We must name a few details about automatics...
- The first is for novices... It will be really easy to grow so we recommend it. No problem doing it outdoor, but you
- also grow it indoor. Its photoperiod doesn't change between growth and bloom like in regular plants,
- in this case we'll try to keep as much hours as we can... Between 18 and 20 hours. Several growers don't even
- let them rest but i think it's recommendable. Between 18 and 20 hours is optimus. If you can grow them indoor,
- adjust your luminic pattern to those details. If you're going to grow them outdoor, a good place will be
- under a street light for example... A problem if you've got a normal plant, it can cause stress
- or giving you regrowth problems... Automatic will absorv all this light... Awesome. Another detail about
- automatics is that growth periods are really short, keeping growth during bloom so the plant keep growing
- until it starts to mature. It will always follow growing up and creating those fruits while it stretches brotes.
- There are a few really useful tricks to get closer interknots like using Bud Ignitor to accelerate bloom,
- really useful in feminized conventional plants but in automatics too. It makes it produce more compact flowers
- because this Northern Lights is really compact by definition. Pot must be as big as possible. I recommended
- this gardener to get bigger Pro Pots by Garden High Pro... It permits transpiration, really useful for automatics.
- We've already shown it to you a few times in our channel... I arrived late because he asked me about
- transfering it or not... Another theme to debate... When i arrived it was the pot so nothing to do because it's in
- bloom so... Automatics must not be tranfered during all process because it measures it pot at the beginning
- of the process knowing its final size. Really important to use definitive pot from the beginning because
- if not you'll get a medium pot because you can't transfer it. This plant development is not bad
- as we can see... Compact fruits with hard buds but it could be closer. Growth was slowed down
- by little plagues like white fly special at the bottom... Not a mega destroyer parasite
- but it rests strenght and vitality and it reflects on results. Avoiding plagues and with a bigger pot, its development
- could have been better. I've brought the smallest exemplar of the garden. Nice formation because this
- didn't get all necessary light hours...
- Receiving like 8 or 10 hours of light all days... Even more hours depending of the clouds...
- The final result is really nice fruits... It's in the middle of bloom... It will be nice buds at the end as we like
- so you should only follow with this feeding line... I recommend to use Bud Ignitor to get closer interknots...
- All of it is production and it's interesting. This plant could be ready in only 45-50 days in bloom
- with only 2 weeks of growth, depending on the strain.
- The early hairs mark the beginning of bloom... It will follow growing and it
- can follow growing up with a bigger pot. To clear about feeding... All our nutrition is with Advance Nutrients,
- check the link at the video's comments. And take a look to the tables in advancednutrients.es
- If you use a specific table for automatics or a normal table, be careful with details like photoperiods, growth
- times or bloom times... The effect of this genetic is relaxing and during a long time.
- Novice growers should dose it because an entire joint of this variety could be overwhelming.
- This strain by Sensi Seeds line White Label, is a really powerful, penetrant plant
- that will give you full of glassy resin buds. We want to dedicate this video to Christian21. We were looking for a
- place to do this... Thank you for comment our videos and supporting us. Please subscribe, not only check
- our videos because at the end, you support us with your subscriptions and your likes. We want to dedicate
- this video to Honduras public too... They're going to work really well with automatics. Well partners... I must
- say goodbye... I'm going to smoke a joint out of camera now... Sorry if you can't smell...
- This is feminized indoor Northern Lights... Not automatic but it's what we've harvest... We will have automatic soon
- too but drying it and all the proces... I've got it ready here so... Good smoking.
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