Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 30 2018

Thank you.

Are you okay?


-Where's Roberto? -He was subdued

and they're taking him away.

I need to know how my son is doing.

I won't be long. Just tell me what happened.

You'll have to wait. I'm going to check on Emilito.

I was right here.

Where was he?

I don't know. Further back.

A bit further back.

No, that can't be.

There's no way you could've remained uninjured

and for there not to be any casings

if he fired from there.

I know the bullet didn't hit me,

but it must be here somewhere.

You should see a doctor. You're bleeding.

It's nothing. I'll wash up later.

Juanjo, go to the ambulance and get checked out.

It's nothing. I'll wash up later.

I want to know how Aurora's doing first.

You can't talk to her until you see a medic.

Go to the ambulance.

Serena, please give me a detailed account of the event.


The pictures from the play.

I played Juliet.

A beautiful Juliet!

Yes, but you know what really worries me?

That just like I couldn't be

the man my dad wanted me to be,

I won't know how to be a woman either.

Maybe I won't be feminine enough.

Maybe I won't know how to walk in heels.

It's normal to feel like that at first.

You'll find your style.

But... you do have to practice.

Practice? Where?

The streets! Where else?

Once you step out into streets dressed as a woman,

you'll feel free!

Here, in Napa? No!

No way!

Everyone here knows me as Leonardo, they know my family.

No, Alexis. I'm not ready.

I'm not ready to expose myself like that.

All in due time.


We'll do it in a safe and friendly environment.

Everything will be fine.

I just wanted to talk to my wife.

I wanted to talk to her.

Yes, and that's why you took a gun?

Look, tell it to the judge.

In my opinion, you've already lost.

No, no... I never lose.

Remember that.

Please call Aristides.

-Yes. -He's going to kill me!

Sooner or later, Roberto will kill me!

Please calm down. He won't kill you.

Of course he will! He's obsessed with me!

He doesn't care about anything else, not even his son.

Come here.

Juanjo, did you get the number?

This is terrible.

You did the exact opposite of what you should've done.

Do you know what it means to violate a restraining order?


You dug your own grave.

If you want, I can drop your case

and you can be represented by a public defender.

Or better yet.

You can defend yourself.

No, you can't do that. I need you as my lawyer.


If you want to keep me as your lawyer,

I'll have to tackle double the work,

so I'll have to charge twice what we agreed upon.


I'll play you twice as much.

Very well.

I'll have to use an extreme recourse.

Just remember you made this difficult for me.

From now on, you'll say, speak and think what I tell you to.


Ms. Sara Casagrande?

<i> Yes, this is she.</i> <i> Who's this?</i>

Bautista Negron, attorney at law.

I represent Roberto Quiroga. He asked me to call you.

Where is he? Is something wrong?

<i>He's being held at the station.</i>

<i> He violated the restraining</i> <i> order his wife had against him</i>

and he's in serious trouble.

He asked me to ask you to get him a change of clothes.

I know you have keys. Could you do that?

Yes, of course.

I'll walk over and get everything you asked for.

Thank you for letting me know.

Paco, do you know where Paloma is?

She promised me some accounting paperwork,

but I haven't heard from her.

I've no idea.

Are you two partying instead of working?

Because then we'd be in trouble.

Hold on. What are you insinuating?

I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't even here.

I don't know, but we don't come here to party, Paco.

This isn't a swingers club either.

This is a serious organization.

We're professionals.

Behave as such.

Tell Paloma to come see me when she arrives.

I'm so glad you're here.

You need to file a formal complaint against Roberto.

How are Aurora and the baby?

She's calmer now, but we're all still scared.

Of course. I understand.

I know this is difficult, but you're doing the right thing.

Let's go take your statement.

Susan, do you think this will help Aurora?

Yes, it's a violation of the restraining order.

Mom couldn't believe Roberto showed up with a gun

and was acting like a lunatic.

What's wrong?

I'll never get away from him. He's Emilito's father.

Don't worry. We'll sort this out.

You have no idea how I feel.

I'm terrified by the whole legal process.

I swear I don't even know how all this happened.

Oh, God!

All I want is to lock myself in here

and never leave this place.

No, sis. Do you hear yourself?

That's what that bastard wanted.

He wanted to keep you cowering in a corner.

That's not who you are. You can't give up.

Think of Emilito and yourself.

Trust yourself. You're doing great.

You really are, sis.

You already left him, and that was the hardest step.

Did you speak to your lawyer?

Yes, he's coming to meet with me this afternoon.


You have to face that idiot head on.

You've made it this far. You can't back down now.

Promise you won't.

I promise.

Either Roberto is insane or I don't get his plan.

-Why do you say that? -This is the ballistics' report.

Check out what type of bullets were found in his weapon.

What were you hoping to accomplish

by making a scene at Juanjo Montiel's residence?


I just wanted to talk to my wife.


You wanted to scare her.

I just want to know why you wanted to do that.

No reason.

I never meant to scare anyone.

I simply wanted to speak to my wife.

-Is that so? -Uh-huh.

In that case, why'd you use blanks?

I want absolutely nothing from Roberto.

He can keep the house in Calistoga.

But I do want sole custody of my son.

Don't worry about that, Aurora.

The law protects you.

Besides, Roberto violated the restraining order against him.

It's not looking good for him.

I know him well. I know he's going to lie.

Aurora, we have concrete evidence against him.

There are police and forensic reports

that tell of the violent nature of his visit.

He came here with the intent to kill.

You have nothing to fear.

He turned everything in your favor.

So you're finally back.

Are you going to keep defending Roberto?

What is it now, woman?

You haven't heard, have you?

He showed up at Juan Jose Montiel's

and he fired a gun to make Aurora get back with him.

He fired a gun?

You heard right!

It was a miracle he didn't shoot anyone!

What was he thinking? How could he do that?

He knew his son was staying there!

Thankfully nothing serious happened

and he's been arrested.

I'm going to go see Aurora. Are you coming or not?

Your father couldn't make it

because he received a shipment of wine from Sonoma.

-He had to catalog it... -You don't have to lie for him.

We both know why Dad isn't here.

It's because he's Dad.


I still can't believe how two-faced Roberto has been.

When did the mistreatment start?

Oh, Mom.

He's always been like that.

At first, he made me feel guilty about our arguments.

Then he became jealous, he slammed doors,

he started to yell at me and then he became violent.


We treated him like a son.

I hope I never run into him.

If I do,

I'll gouge his tongue and eyes out with my bare hands.


How could I not believe you?

Why didn't you insist, honey?

I did tell you, Mom.

I didn't want to go into details

because I knew you thought I was exaggerating.

Forgive me.

Forgive me, honey.

I should've listened to you. I should've been supportive.

You're my daughter.

Come home.

You and the baby will be better off there.

Come on.

Come on, honey.

If Dad... wanted me to, if he asked me to, I would.

But that's not the case.

Thank you.


Good Lord!

My goodness! How are you?

I brought the clothes your attorney asked for.

How are you? How do you feel?



Did you mess with the gun I kept at the house?

Answer me.

This is for your own good.

I don't want you to do something crazy.

Who said you could go into my house and mess with the gun?

I don't remember ever saying that.

I did it for you.

I'd hate to see you suffer.

I only wanted to keep you from suffering.

When you're suffering, you can't think clearly.

I know you're heartbroken

because your relationship with Aurora isn't going well.

I just wanted to protect your from yourself.

Believe me.

-You had no right to do that. -True, true.

You're right.

I just wanted to keep you from doing something stupid.

I wanted to protect you.

You have to believe me.

Had I not exchanged the bullets for blanks,

your situation would be different now, right?

It would be far serious, right?

Admit it.

Admit it, sweetheart.

You owe me one.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 44 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:19.


Little LA: Este grupo de deportados hace vida en inglés en México - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Little LA: Este grupo de deportados hace vida en inglés en México - Duration: 2:31.


Cómo preparar una mascarilla facial de arcilla verde y aceite de coco para regenerar la piel - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Cómo preparar una mascarilla facial de arcilla verde y aceite de coco para regenerar la piel - Duration: 8:19.


Cómo combatir la halitosis estomacal con 5 remedios de origen natural - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Cómo combatir la halitosis estomacal con 5 remedios de origen natural - Duration: 8:24.


Un programme quotidien de 10 minutes pour tonifier vos jambes et vos fesses - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Un programme quotidien de 10 minutes pour tonifier vos jambes et vos fesses - Duration: 6:17.


¡PREPÁRATE! prevén caída de nieve, lluvia e intensó frío en el país - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> ¡PREPÁRATE! prevén caída de nieve, lluvia e intensó frío en el país - Duration: 11:10.


Canada: Un potentiel tueur en série inculpé de cinq meurtres - Duration: 5:05.

Canada: Un potentiel tueur en série inculpé de cinq meurtres

La police scientifique canadienne a retrouvé des restes humains dans une propriété connectée à Bruce McArthur, soupçonné dêtre un tueur en série.

Cinq victimes, et peut-être davantage. Un jardinier-paysagiste, présenté lundi par la police comme « un tueur en série », a été inculpé du meurtre de cinq personnes au Canada, principalement dans les milieux homosexuels, avant d'enterrer les corps dans des jardins.

Bruce McArthur, 66 ans, avait été arrêté mi-janvier et inculpé de la disparition et du meurtre, au printemps dernier, de deux hommes qui fréquentaient le quartier homosexuel de Toronto.

« C'est un tueur en série, un tueur en série présumé qui a pris des dispositions pour masquer ses traces », a indiqué Hank Idsinga, le responsable de l'enquête, lors d'une conférence de presse.

« Nous croyons qu'il y a plus (de victimes) mais je n'ai aucune idée de combien il y en aura » à l'issue des fouilles qui ont été entreprises aux quatre coins de la plus grande ville du Canada, a ajouté l'enquêteur.

Pour démêler l'écheveau d'une intrigue courant pour l'instant sur sept ans, les enquêteurs ont fusionné plusieurs dossiers de disparitions.

Il y a un peu plus de six mois, la police de Toronto a identifié Bruce McArthur comme un des suspects dans la disparition en avril dernier de Selim Esen, 44 ans, et celle en juin d'Andrew Kinsman, 49 ans.

Une fois obtenues les preuves suffisantes, Bruce McArthur a été interpellé. La police savait alors, selon Hank Idsinga, qu'il était responsable de la mort d'autres victimes non identifiées. Des restes humains retrouvés dans le jardin.

Les policiers ont remonté le fil menant à une propriété dont il se servait pour entreposer du matériel de jardinage. Là, « des restes humains de trois individus ont été retrouvés dans le jardin », a indiqué le chef de l'enquête.

Ces restes « n'ont pas été identifiés car ce sont des restes de squelettes et qui ont été démembrés, donc nous devons attendre les résultats des analyses ADN et ceux prélevés sur leur parenté », a-t-il ajouté.

Bruce McArthur a été inculpé lundi pour la mort de Majeed Kayhan, 58 ans, disparu en 2012, de celle de Soroush Mahmudi, 50 ans, dont la disparition avait été signalée il y a bientôt trois ans.

Il est également poursuivi pour le meurtre de Dean Lisowick, 47 ans, dont personne n'avait signalé la disparition jusqu'ici. Appel aux anciens clients du jardinier.

Si la plupart des victimes fréquentaient le quartier gay de Toronto, quatre sont originaires du Moyen-Orient, et au moins une avait eu une relation avec son meurtrier.

Persuadés que la liste des victimes va s'allonger, les enquêteurs ont lancé un appel aux habitants de Toronto qui auraient, au cours des dernières années, confié l'entretien de leurs jardins et plates-bandes à Bruce McArthur, qui aurait pu y enterrer d'autres corps.

« Nous pouvons prendre les dispositions pour fouiller vos jardins », a noté le policier en promettant de respecter l'intimité de ces propriétaires.

Lundi, les enquêteurs ont ciblé environ 30 jardins ou propriétés pour engager des fouilles et où « des personnes pourraient être ensevelies », a indiqué Hank Idsinga.

« Nous devons découvrir ces victimes et les identifier » pour apporter des réponses aux familles des disparus, a souligné l'enquêteur.

For more infomation >> Canada: Un potentiel tueur en série inculpé de cinq meurtres - Duration: 5:05.


Anthony Delon à propos de son père «Ton pire ennemi, c'est toi » - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Anthony Delon à propos de son père «Ton pire ennemi, c'est toi » - Duration: 1:23.


Les réfugiés de 11 pays à nouveau autorisés aux Etats-Unis - Duration: 3:46.

Les réfugiés de 11 pays à nouveau autorisés aux Etats-Unis

Des manifestants défendant le droit dasile, à New York, le 27 janvier 2017.

Les Etats-Unis ont levé lundi l'interdiction d'entrée sur le territoire américain qui ciblait des réfugiés de 11 pays, mais ont en contrepartie durci leurs conditions d'admission, a indiqué le département de la Sécurité intérieure (DHS) dans un communiqué.

Les responsables américains n'ont pas dévoilé la liste des pays concernés, mais il s'agirait de l'Egypte, l'Iran, l'Irak, la Libye, le Mali, la Corée du Nord, la Somalie, le Soudan du Sud, le Soudan, la Syrie et le Yémen, selon les indications d'organismes s'occupant de réfugiés.

Les autorités américaines ont également annoncé un renforcement de la sécurité et des recommandations dans les procédures du Programme américain d'admission des réfugiés (USRAP), notamment le renforcement des vérifications des demandes d'asile et une actualisation régulière de la liste des pays à haut risque ainsi que des critères de sélection des réfugiés.

« Il est d'une importance cruciale que nous sachions qui entre aux Etats-Unis », a expliqué la patronne du DHS, Kirstjen Nielsen.

« Ces mesures de sécurité supplémentaires rendront (la tâche) plus difficile pour les mauvais acteurs d'exploiter notre programme pour les réfugiés et elles s'assureront que nous prenons une approche plus basée sur le risque dans la protection de notre patrie », a-t-elle ajouté.

Les comptes Facebook examinés. Les Etats-Unis avaient annoncé en octobre la suspension de l'interdiction d'entrée des réfugiés, sauf pour ces 11 pays, quatre mois après sa mise en place dans le cadre d'un décret migratoire très controversé.

Ce décret controversé, pris au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme, est entré en vigueur début décembre après un marathon judiciaire, le texte étant dénoncé comme discriminatoire envers les musulmans.

Le DHS n'a pas donné de détails sur ces mesures concernant les 11 pays.

Tous les demandeurs d'asile doivent fournir des preuves détaillées sur leur histoire et leurs activités et, pour certains, doivent laisser l'administration accéder à leurs comptes sur les réseaux sociaux.

L'administration Trump a également décidé de réduire le nombre d'admissions de réfugiés permises aux Etats-Unis pour 2018. Seulement 45000 personnes seront admises, contre 53000 en 2017.

For more infomation >> Les réfugiés de 11 pays à nouveau autorisés aux Etats-Unis - Duration: 3:46.


Combinaciones de alimentos que dañan a tu estómago - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Combinaciones de alimentos que dañan a tu estómago - Duration: 7:09.


Les Princes : Deux candidates au casting de La Villa des Coeurs Brisés saison 4 ? - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Les Princes : Deux candidates au casting de La Villa des Coeurs Brisés saison 4 ? - Duration: 2:17.


Concrete swelling on dams : PhD defend of Pierre Morenon - Duration: 45:02.

For more infomation >> Concrete swelling on dams : PhD defend of Pierre Morenon - Duration: 45:02.


Dos formas de gracia - 95 Tesis hoy - 01x32 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Dos formas de gracia - 95 Tesis hoy - 01x32 - Duration: 1:02.


Pascal Obispo, boule­versé par la candi­date Rebecca : le coach de The Voice s'ex­plique - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Pascal Obispo, boule­versé par la candi­date Rebecca : le coach de The Voice s'ex­plique - Duration: 3:04.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 44 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:17.

Thank you.

Are you okay?


-Where's Roberto? -He was subdued

and they're taking him away.

I need to know how my son is doing.

I won't be long. Just tell me what happened.

You'll have to wait. I'm going to check on Emilito.

I was right here.

Where was he?

I don't know. Further back.

A bit further back.

No, that can't be.

There's no way you could've remained uninjured

and for there not to be any casings

if he fired from there.

I know the bullet didn't hit me,

but it must be here somewhere.

You should see a doctor. You're bleeding.

It's nothing. I'll wash up later.

Juanjo, go to the ambulance and get checked out.

It's nothing. I'll wash up later.

I want to know how Aurora's doing first.

You can't talk to her until you see a medic.

Go to the ambulance.

Serena, please give me a detailed account of the event.


The pictures from the play.

I played Juliet.

A beautiful Juliet!

Yes, but you know what really worries me?

That just like I couldn't be

the man my dad wanted me to be,

I won't know how to be a woman either.

Maybe I won't be feminine enough.

Maybe I won't know how to walk in heels.

It's normal to feel like that at first.

You'll find your style.

But... you do have to practice.

Practice? Where?

The streets! Where else?

Once you step out into streets dressed as a woman,

you'll feel free!

Here, in Napa? No!

No way!

Everyone here knows me as Leonardo, they know my family.

No, Alexis. I'm not ready.

I'm not ready to expose myself like that.

All in due time.


We'll do it in a safe and friendly environment.

Everything will be fine.

I just wanted to talk to my wife.

I wanted to talk to her.

Yes, and that's why you took a gun?

Look, tell it to the judge.

In my opinion, you've already lost.

No, no... I never lose.

Remember that.

Please call Aristides.

-Yes. -He's going to kill me!

Sooner or later, Roberto will kill me!

Please calm down. He won't kill you.

Of course he will! He's obsessed with me!

He doesn't care about anything else, not even his son.

Come here.

Juanjo, did you get the number?

This is terrible.

You did the exact opposite of what you should've done.

Do you know what it means to violate a restraining order?


You dug your own grave.

If you want, I can drop your case

and you can be represented by a public defender.

Or better yet.

You can defend yourself.

No, you can't do that. I need you as my lawyer.


If you want to keep me as your lawyer,

I'll have to tackle double the work,

so I'll have to charge twice what we agreed upon.


I'll play you twice as much.

Very well.

I'll have to use an extreme recourse.

Just remember you made this difficult for me.

From now on, you'll say, speak and think what I tell you to.


Ms. Sara Casagrande?

<i> Yes, this is she.</i> <i> Who's this?</i>

Bautista Negron, attorney at law.

I represent Roberto Quiroga. He asked me to call you.

Where is he? Is something wrong?

<i>He's being held at the station.</i>

<i> He violated the restraining</i> <i> order his wife had against him</i>

and he's in serious trouble.

He asked me to ask you to get him a change of clothes.

I know you have keys. Could you do that?

Yes, of course.

I'll walk over and get everything you asked for.

Thank you for letting me know.

Paco, do you know where Paloma is?

She promised me some accounting paperwork,

but I haven't heard from her.

I've no idea.

Are you two partying instead of working?

Because then we'd be in trouble.

Hold on. What are you insinuating?

I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't even here.

I don't know, but we don't come here to party, Paco.

This isn't a swingers club either.

This is a serious organization.

We're professionals.

Behave as such.

Tell Paloma to come see me when she arrives.

I'm so glad you're here.

You need to file a formal complaint against Roberto.

How are Aurora and the baby?

She's calmer now, but we're all still scared.

Of course. I understand.

I know this is difficult, but you're doing the right thing.

Let's go take your statement.

Susan, do you think this will help Aurora?

Yes, it's a violation of the restraining order.

Mom couldn't believe Roberto showed up with a gun

and was acting like a lunatic.

What's wrong?

I'll never get away from him. He's Emilito's father.

Don't worry. We'll sort this out.

You have no idea how I feel.

I'm terrified by the whole legal process.

I swear I don't even know how all this happened.

Oh, God!

All I want is to lock myself in here

and never leave this place.

No, sis. Do you hear yourself?

That's what that bastard wanted.

He wanted to keep you cowering in a corner.

That's not who you are. You can't give up.

Think of Emilito and yourself.

Trust yourself. You're doing great.

You really are, sis.

You already left him, and that was the hardest step.

Did you speak to your lawyer?

Yes, he's coming to meet with me this afternoon.


You have to face that idiot head on.

You've made it this far. You can't back down now.

Promise you won't.

I promise.

Either Roberto is insane or I don't get his plan.

-Why do you say that? -This is the ballistics' report.

Check out what type of bullets were found in his weapon.

What were you hoping to accomplish

by making a scene at Juanjo Montiel's residence?


I just wanted to talk to my wife.


You wanted to scare her.

I just want to know why you wanted to do that.

No reason.

I never meant to scare anyone.

I simply wanted to speak to my wife.

-Is that so? -Uh-huh.

In that case, why'd you use blanks?

I want absolutely nothing from Roberto.

He can keep the house in Calistoga.

But I do want sole custody of my son.

Don't worry about that, Aurora.

The law protects you.

Besides, Roberto violated the restraining order against him.

It's not looking good for him.

I know him well. I know he's going to lie.

Aurora, we have concrete evidence against him.

There are police and forensic reports

that tell of the violent nature of his visit.

He came here with the intent to kill.

You have nothing to fear.

He turned everything in your favor.

So you're finally back.

Are you going to keep defending Roberto?

What is it now, woman?

You haven't heard, have you?

He showed up at Juan Jose Montiel's

and he fired a gun to make Aurora get back with him.

He fired a gun?

You heard right!

It was a miracle he didn't shoot anyone!

What was he thinking? How could he do that?

He knew his son was staying there!

Thankfully nothing serious happened

and he's been arrested.

I'm going to go see Aurora. Are you coming or not?

Your father couldn't make it

because he received a shipment of wine from Sonoma.

-He had to catalog it... -You don't have to lie for him.

We both know why Dad isn't here.

It's because he's Dad.


I still can't believe how two-faced Roberto has been.

When did the mistreatment start?

Oh, Mom.

He's always been like that.

At first, he made me feel guilty about our arguments.

Then he became jealous, he slammed doors,

he started to yell at me and then he became violent.


We treated him like a son.

I hope I never run into him.

If I do,

I'll gouge his tongue and eyes out with my bare hands.


How could I not believe you?

Why didn't you insist, honey?

I did tell you, Mom.

I didn't want to go into details

because I knew you thought I was exaggerating.

Forgive me.

Forgive me, honey.

I should've listened to you. I should've been supportive.

You're my daughter.

Come home.

You and the baby will be better off there.

Come on.

Come on, honey.

If Dad... wanted me to, if he asked me to, I would.

But that's not the case.

Thank you.


Good Lord!

My goodness! How are you?

I brought the clothes your attorney asked for.

How are you? How do you feel?


Yes? - SÍ, DIME.

Did you mess with the gun I kept at the house?

Answer me.

This is for your own good. - TODO POR TU BIEN.

I don't want you to do something crazy.

Who said you could go into my house and mess with the gun?

I don't remember ever saying that.

I did it for you.

I'd hate to see you suffer.

I only wanted to keep you from suffering.

When you're suffering, you can't think clearly.

I know you're heartbroken

because your relationship with Aurora isn't going well.

I just wanted to protect your from yourself.

Believe me.

-You had no right to do that. -True, true.

You're right.

I just wanted to keep you from doing something stupid.

I wanted to protect you.

You have to believe me.

Had I not exchanged the bullets for blanks,

your situation would be different now, right?

It would be far serious, right?

Admit it.

Admit it, sweetheart.

You owe me one.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Episode 44 | Telemundo English - Duration: 16:17.


Mensajes de dreamers que llegan a Washington para el discurso de Trump sobre el Estado de la Unión - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Mensajes de dreamers que llegan a Washington para el discurso de Trump sobre el Estado de la Unión - Duration: 2:16.


Buvez un verre de cette boisson incroyable chaque nuit avant de dormir - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Buvez un verre de cette boisson incroyable chaque nuit avant de dormir - Duration: 5:31.


Mathieu Kasso­vitz, très ému, révèle que sa mère, alcoo­lique, est morte de son addic­tion - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Mathieu Kasso­vitz, très ému, révèle que sa mère, alcoo­lique, est morte de son addic­tion - Duration: 2:58.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 44 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:17.


Thank you.

Are you okay?


-Where's Roberto? -He was subdued

and they're taking him away.

I need to know how my son is doing.

I won't be long. Just tell me what happened.

You'll have to wait. I'm going to check on Emilito.

I was right here.

Where was he?

I don't know. Further back.

A bit further back.

No, that can't be.

There's no way you could've remained uninjured

and for there not to be any casings

if he fired from there.

I know the bullet didn't hit me,

but it must be here somewhere.

You should see a doctor. You're bleeding.

It's nothing. I'll wash up later.

Juanjo, go to the ambulance and get checked out.

It's nothing. I'll wash up later.

I want to know how Aurora's doing first.

You can't talk to her until you see a medic.

Go to the ambulance.

Serena, please give me a detailed account of the event.


The pictures from the play.

I played Juliet.

A beautiful Juliet!

Yes, but you know what really worries me?

That just like I couldn't be

the man my dad wanted me to be,

I won't know how to be a woman either.

Maybe I won't be feminine enough.

Maybe I won't know how to walk in heels.

It's normal to feel like that at first.

You'll find your style.

But... you do have to practice.

Practice? Where?

The streets! Where else?

Once you step out into streets dressed as a woman,

you'll feel free!

Here, in Napa? No!

No way!

Everyone here knows me as Leonardo, they know my family.

No, Alexis. I'm not ready.

I'm not ready to expose myself like that.

All in due time.


We'll do it in a safe and friendly environment.

Everything will be fine.

I just wanted to talk to my wife.

I wanted to talk to her.

Yes, and that's why you took a gun?

Look, tell it to the judge.

In my opinion, you've already lost.

No, no... I never lose.

Remember that.

Please call Aristides.

-Yes. -He's going to kill me!

Sooner or later, Roberto will kill me!

Please calm down. He won't kill you.

Of course he will! He's obsessed with me!

He doesn't care about anything else, not even his son.

Come here.

Juanjo, did you get the number?

This is terrible.

You did the exact opposite of what you should've done.

Do you know what it means to violate a restraining order?


You dug your own grave.

If you want, I can drop your case

and you can be represented by a public defender.

Or better yet.

You can defend yourself.

No, you can't do that. I need you as my lawyer.


If you want to keep me as your lawyer,

I'll have to tackle double the work,

so I'll have to charge twice what we agreed upon.


I'll play you twice as much.

Very well.

I'll have to use an extreme recourse.

Just remember you made this difficult for me.

From now on, you'll say, speak and think what I tell you to.


Ms. Sara Casagrande?

<i> Yes, this is she.</i> <i> Who's this?</i>

Bautista Negron, attorney at law.

I represent Roberto Quiroga. He asked me to call you.

Where is he? Is something wrong?

<i>He's being held at the station.</i>

<i> He violated the restraining</i> <i> order his wife had against him</i>

and he's in serious trouble.

He asked me to ask you to get him a change of clothes.

I know you have keys. Could you do that?

Yes, of course.

I'll walk over and get everything you asked for.

Thank you for letting me know.

Paco, do you know where Paloma is?

She promised me some accounting paperwork,

but I haven't heard from her.

I've no idea.

Are you two partying instead of working?

Because then we'd be in trouble.

Hold on. What are you insinuating?

I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't even here.

I don't know, but we don't come here to party, Paco.

This isn't a swingers club either.

This is a serious organization.

We're professionals.

Behave as such.

Tell Paloma to come see me when she arrives.

I'm so glad you're here.

You need to file a formal complaint against Roberto.

How are Aurora and the baby?

She's calmer now, but we're all still scared.

Of course. I understand.

I know this is difficult, but you're doing the right thing.

Let's go take your statement.

Susan, do you think this will help Aurora?

Yes, it's a violation of the restraining order.

Mom couldn't believe Roberto showed up with a gun

and was acting like a lunatic.

What's wrong?

I'll never get away from him. He's Emilito's father.

Don't worry. We'll sort this out.

You have no idea how I feel.

I'm terrified by the whole legal process.

I swear I don't even know how all this happened.

Oh, God!

All I want is to lock myself in here

and never leave this place.

No, sis. Do you hear yourself?

That's what that bastard wanted.

He wanted to keep you cowering in a corner.

That's not who you are. You can't give up.

Think of Emilito and yourself.

Trust yourself. You're doing great.

You really are, sis.

You already left him, and that was the hardest step.

Did you speak to your lawyer?

Yes, he's coming to meet with me this afternoon.


You have to face that idiot head on.

You've made it this far. You can't back down now.

Promise you won't.

I promise.

Either Roberto is insane or I don't get his plan.

-Why do you say that? -This is the ballistics' report.

Check out what type of bullets were found in his weapon.

What were you hoping to accomplish

by making a scene at Juanjo Montiel's residence?


I just wanted to talk to my wife.


You wanted to scare her.

I just want to know why you wanted to do that.

No reason.

I never meant to scare anyone.

I simply wanted to speak to my wife.

-Is that so? -Uh-huh.

In that case, why'd you use blanks?

I want absolutely nothing from Roberto.

He can keep the house in Calistoga.

But I do want sole custody of my son.

Don't worry about that, Aurora.

The law protects you.

Besides, Roberto violated the restraining order against him.

It's not looking good for him.

I know him well. I know he's going to lie.

Aurora, we have concrete evidence against him.

There are police and forensic reports

that tell of the violent nature of his visit.

He came here with the intent to kill.

You have nothing to fear.

He turned everything in your favor.

So you're finally back.

Are you going to keep defending Roberto?

What is it now, woman?

You haven't heard, have you?

He showed up at Juan Jose Montiel's

and he fired a gun to make Aurora get back with him.

He fired a gun?

You heard right!

It was a miracle he didn't shoot anyone!

What was he thinking? How could he do that?

He knew his son was staying there!

Thankfully nothing serious happened

and he's been arrested.

I'm going to go see Aurora. Are you coming or not?

Your father couldn't make it

because he received a shipment of wine from Sonoma.

-He had to catalog it... -You don't have to lie for him.

We both know why Dad isn't here.

It's because he's Dad.


I still can't believe how two-faced Roberto has been.

When did the mistreatment start?

Oh, Mom.

He's always been like that.

At first, he made me feel guilty about our arguments.

Then he became jealous, he slammed doors,

he started to yell at me and then he became violent.


We treated him like a son.

I hope I never run into him.

If I do,

I'll gouge his tongue and eyes out with my bare hands.


How could I not believe you?

Why didn't you insist, honey?

I did tell you, Mom.

I didn't want to go into details

because I knew you thought I was exaggerating.

Forgive me.

Forgive me, honey.

I should've listened to you. I should've been supportive.

You're my daughter.

Come home.

You and the baby will be better off there.

Come on.

Come on, honey.

If Dad... wanted me to, if he asked me to, I would.

But that's not the case.

Thank you.


Good Lord!

My goodness! How are you?

I brought the clothes your attorney asked for.

How are you? How do you feel?



Did you mess with the gun I kept at the house?

Answer me.

This is for your own good.

I don't want you to do something crazy.

Who said you could go into my house and mess with the gun?

I don't remember ever saying that.

I did it for you.

I'd hate to see you suffer.

I only wanted to keep you from suffering.

When you're suffering, you can't think clearly.

I know you're heartbroken

because your relationship with Aurora isn't going well.

I just wanted to protect your from yourself.

Believe me.

-You had no right to do that. -True, true.

You're right.

I just wanted to keep you from doing something stupid.

I wanted to protect you.

You have to believe me.

Had I not exchanged the bullets for blanks,

your situation would be different now, right?

It would be far serious, right?

Admit it.

Admit it, sweetheart.

You owe me one.

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