Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

Good evening everyone time now for weather news today with


the evening edition the name you know the news you can use

Okay, i know the maps not really, big, now i'm gonna

Blow it up and move it all around but, i want everybody to see what's going on?

All over to start with i've got some things i want to stress out to you, guys so please watch

Okay all right we've got, some systems going on a bit preaching, about them four days and

Something that showed up, now i've noticed for some isobars are really getting close together

And some of you really need to pay attention not that anything will happen but there's a very good possibility

All right starting out right now of course

Here we go, we got, some snow up in a

Northern idaho montana over in washington and oregon?

This, is what it's looking like, now with the rain, down south as, we move up everybody

Else is looking really really clear so this is around 10:00 p.m.. Tonight we're going to move it on up to tomorrow. Morning

Around 8. A.m.. And we can see the systems start to move around

Yes the snow is not very much at all out in the west at. This time

Just a few patches?

Places and down in arizona they've got some rain, and some snow

Rain words of a crowd

Tennessee yep tennessee's got some, along with arkansas and oh?

my, goodness we've got some in

mississippi and alabama

and georgia

Rains, going on at this time, also in southern illinois and indiana

For the most part everybody up north so looking pretty good in the morning around 7 a.m.

And the whole united states is pretty clear except for these patches we've got we'll move it on up

To, 7 p.m. Tomorrow night now. You gotta watch this little sucker here


Alright, we'll hop over here the snow. Has started the system has started to move in now

From the west that i've been talking, about all week and days here we go, we got the snow, with the rain

Behind it same thing going on in oregon and

Just a little bit of northern

California as we move over there you see how

This, system is beginning to intensify with rain

especially in the arkansas area and it's going to be moving across and we do have some snow in

parts of maine got some rain up in new, york and

Also, some rain, moving into

northeastern, ohio and

central pennsylvania so

Now, let's check the wind out right quick

Looks, like everything everybody can handle everything this wind map for the entire

United states on land right now it's looking anywhere very very average 10 20 mile-per-hour

gust you might hit a 30 once in a, while if you're over in

western texas but

Nothing you can't handle just something you need to keep in mind so we'll go back to the precipitation

And we're going to go up to thursday around 3:00 a.m.

See how, this thing is building up energy

All of you, guys, have already, had a

Bucket full of rain, and tana rainfall on you please be aware of this flooding

Isn't over with i'm not saying you're, going to get more additional flooding but. You sure could

Okay, so keep that in mind keep that in mind so now

We're, gonna watch this thing move across around 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, morning the first day of march you can, see how it has started to grow in size

All of this is the same system

growing inside

Well i don't know, let's hop on over to him

Thursday, afternoon i don't know, why the map got smaller folks i didn't

Do that we'll make it bigger right quick you know how things have a mind of their, own sometime

Okay, over in western north carolina

We've got, some rain, the rains, going down from the

northern part in

The northwestern part of south carolina northern part of alabama all the way across down to

mississippi, and we've got rain, up here i told you the rain, was getting right to makeup to come over in

Northern, ohio and it's going to creep right on across a little bit of snow in wisconsin other than that this is mainly rain

And i believe in illinois the snow. You see there may be a patch of real snow

But most of this is looking like it's going to be wet snow

Because you're on the backside of this, system i'm going to talk more about this system in just a moment please watch

Okay, now we've got the system

Number two over here we're watching and it's beginning to dump more snow

Everywhere around, we'll try to make it a

Little bigger for you guys, and i'll move this around right quick pay the temperatures no mind because it's not for that

Day that's, what it is right now in these areas

Okay, here we go you can see?

We've got a lot of snow but we've got a lot of rain mixed in with, these, systems as they're moving across, also now

back over here in florida, you're looking, like, little bitty eddie chances of rain coming in

Some across a panhandle out of mississippi and some down right in here but i know

You, guys, need, some rain but i don't think you're gonna get any quite yet


We need to jump up to around. 10 p.m.. Thursday night

We see what this is looking like, we got snow up in michigan?

We got wet snow in parts of?



With wet snow in parts of ohio?

Mostly up in this

Northeastern, corner it's looking, like rain, unless you're right next to the

One of the lakes i mean right next to one of the lakes and i think that'd be wet snow, let's check it out?

Rain, with snow and you see it's not accumulating at all so

most of the snow up in here is

It going to be mixed with rain it's not gonna last not gonna be a big deal however in these parts of michigan

Yours, will be snow but it's still not going to be a great great


So that's a good thing now, we take this down, let's check the wind out?

See the wind now has started to pick up and on the outer banks of north carolina here on my coast

The winds have started to pick up so now it's probably, blowing i'd say

By the look of it in the 30 20 upper 20s to 30, let's check and see what it is yep 35 miles per hour?

Still nothing we're not used to down here okay, still nothing that we're not used to

But, we need to move it up

Some more let's go to 10 a.m.

Now i'm telling you this system is going to turn in into a big system and the bad part, about it it's going to stall

9:00 a.m.

Around friday you can see is that this, is wind now. You can see these winds start to pick up

Let's go to the snow in the ring


Come up here

You got a mix snow. And rain let's put on the?

systems themselves

All right you got these very tightly packed isobars you see how. Close together, these isobars are

They're, very tightly packed, now this snow that's happening

It's you're, going to have some but it's not going to be so so bad with this

System because it's on the back side of it the rain however

Will be a, whole lot more

So i'm up to friday at 2:00 a.m.. Let's go back a second to around

7 p.m

There 7. P.m. On thursday we'll go to

10:00 p.m. On thursday you don't want you to watch this thing move now

Then we'll go up to friday, and it's just off you guys coached here, okay?

Let's see what the winds are looking like now, okay?

Long island you guys winds are picking up

If you're on the coast there and you see you're, going to get rain, like crazy

We'll put it back a moment all of you guys down in new, jersey

Parts of pennsylvania the rains just going to keep on intensifying

you, see how it's turning, blue for you, guys i'll take, these off

Isobars off at the moment but, see how

What it's changing too you can see and once again the snow shouldn't. Be that bad where you see it but

You, guys are going to get some rain

We're going to move it up to around 4 p.m.

Now this thing looks, like it's moving off ok?

massachusetts connecticut

Rhode island, all these little places in here

right on up

Let's check the wind out?

Look, at that wind that's going to be blowing

You've just had all this rain. You're still getting, some rain. And the wind is going to be blowing something fierce

More than the average, daily what you're used to now right up here

It's going to be in the 30s that's, awful long island

And that's everywhere right up here around massachusetts

That's looking like it couldn't be more no it's about the same this is friday around 4:00 p.m.

So it's looking, like it's moving now the rain

That is push up the water that is pushing back in there there could be flooding up here, ok i'm not

Saying it's going to, be i'm saying there's a good possibility

Because the wind is going to blow for a. Long, time we're going up to 10 p.m.

Friday, look at it it's growing. Boom it's a lot, bigger than it was

Grant you the highest winds are


But this thing's got i don't know, what at a show, here but, some some places i found here's 55 but i have found

Some 70 mile-per-hour winds

Right offshore here so let's see what your winds are looking like you can see they're

Still going pretty strong all along here

We'll go back in there

Your winds haven't died down put 1 mile per hour right now the coast of massachusetts

32 miles per hour, and that's just about the

Way it's going to be up and down the coast from all the way down from new. Jersey

All the way across

Up into parts of maine

So if you live on the coastline, my point is just be prepared

You, may have a little flooding coming your way you

May, not but i think it's tightly packed, as those isobars looking on top of it it's a full

Lunar or pretty close a full moon and you know. That always

Makes the tides higher

So you know i'm not trying to

Stress you out or worry you or anything like that that's not what this is meant for i do this because i care about

People and i want them to be aware of what's going on so let's move it up to?

Around 5 a.m.. Saturday morning

you, see the thing still hasn't moved it's going to be

Will go to 8. P.m.. Saturday night it's going to be saturday night before you guys

That live on the coast from maine all the way down

And new jersey you're

Still going to be the southern part of new, jersey will be more than the northern part before you guys get any

Relief and when i say relief this is natural winds you're probably used to all the time just like, myself from around

18 20 miles an hour or in the chains, okay?

But as you come on down here off of my coast, now i'm i'm still getting beat up look at

This, we'll see what this, is i'm still having 38 mile-per-hour winds and this thing just keeps growing

When's it going to go, away let's go to sunday around 7 a.m.

Well still out there but now everybody's looking like

The winds are coming down except for right on the outer banks and northern outer banks

6 p.m.. Sunday

Things are beginning to look a, little better for everybody so far as the wind goes i told you guys?

About the wind a week, ago, and how it was gonna pick up i wanted to show. You i wanted to show

You, and stick it in your head, again, and see all of the precipitation now

Has left by, sunday at 6 p.m.

Just a little splash and - stuff but, now, we got to come, back over to this system at this time now

By, sunday it's brought snow all the way across and now it's my

Me and montana and as we move up

All my friends in canada in the winnipeg area you're gonna get a mixture of rain

Wet snow and snow and the same goes for north, dakota and in minnesota it's looking like, mostly rain, with some

wet fur you will see what, we got coming up here wet snow 1 inch

But you get some rain coming - just plain old rain you can see right there

One fifth of a tenth of an inch with snow

So it's got to be a mixture for you. Guys right up in that area i

Wanted you to please please pay attention to this this

System looks big and bad and it is but, we can? Thank

we we can just be thankful for

the worst part of it

It's going to just get offshore

Before it really starts to blow, up what's going to happen, is when it gets in the water it's going to just

Blow, right up so you, still need to pay attention

You, still need to be aware especially if you, drive high-profile vehicles and do look out for flooding

Do look out for flooding at this time on sunday at 6 p.m.

Looks, like, some more rains coming in from here for florida. You still haven't got any now if you look at

The regular, gfs map this of course courtesy of laban get all the guys over tropical did bitch

Appreciate i'm putting this map together this is at friday this is on friday the second if you?

Look, at the way that system looks here you can really see the isobars

Or pack pretty close together and you can

see all the rain coming in and

Dada do too but the snow once again

There's all the backside of it yes it's going to snow but some of its going to be mixed with snows

going to be mixed with rain i

Really, don't think anybody has to worry about a huge big snow

Okay, let's hope i'm right i could

Be wrong but let's hope i'm right on this occasion maybe one or two places might get a few more inches of snow

Regular snow than others for the most part i think it will be okay?

And for all my sky watchers out there you know

The, deal, where it's dark, and gray is cloudy, where it's blue it's beautiful, okay?

This is 7 o'clock tonight?

7 o'clock tonight this, is what the sky cover is looking like, 10 p.m. Tonight

1:00 a.m. In the morning

4 a.m.. In the morning so is it going to hold out

Let's check it out, we'll come up here to tomorrow, morning

Now it's not going to hold out and be beautiful?

A big old spat a good portion of the us from texas all the way up


wisconsin, and


It's going, to be cloudy, but the clouds will thicken more up in that area as we move along to 10:00 a.m.

1. P.m. And

4 p.m

So that's the forecast wrapping it up i didn't mean to go on and on but i really, do want to stress to everyone

Wherever i've showed you there may be flooding

Where flooding has already occurred you guys are going to get more rain

It's not going to help your situation just be aware you come to somewhere please turn around

Don't try to drive through it if it's flooding and for everybody on the east coast and moving up to the northeast coast

Coming up in just a few, days

you're, going get the wind you're going to get some rain, and

you could get some flooding too so keep that in mind

Thank, you very very much for watching you guys have a much pleasant evening with the good lords

Well i'll be back in the morning with. You until then much peace love and kindness to all

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