welcome to this week's news episode on this week's news episode we're going to
be looking back into the Nissan Leaf gate we're also going to be looking at
news regarding Tesla and Nvidia and also something to do with Jaguar and waymo
so let's jump straight into it Nissan Leaf gate I did a video about last week
thanks very much if you have watched it he's been my most popular video yet I've
been blown away by the response views comments likes thank you very much also
welcome to all my new subscribers from that video it's been great great to know
that you you enjoy my videos if you haven't by the way already please click
Subscribe down the bottom health my channel grow
the Nissan response for leaf gate was at the start very poor there was no
response they finally responded which a little bit around of applause their Nissan
thank you well done the they've actuality admitted there is a problem so
that is a good start however they said it's isolated it's an
isolated problem to a couple of users however it seems to be more than a
couple it seems to be you know a lot more than a couple considering it is a
new vehicle the 2018 Nissan Leaf came out in 2018 and there's been quite a few
reports of YouTube users and also from general driving users who have
experienced this problem yes I agree that the chance of you rapid charging
two three times on the journey is very very very remote however on this that
the second rapid charge your charge slows down by the third it is extremely
slow the point is that this some have admitted it so that's a good start
they're saying they're working with users that have reported it to help
resolve the issue so the first thing I'll say if you've got a 2018 Nissan
Leaf and you've experienced this issue ring Nissan and report it and feedback
information to me in the comments let me know are they working with you are they
helping you resolve this issue are they looking into it what they what are they
done they brought you into the Nissan garage to upload from your obd systems
or are they just lying to us all they're fobbing you off it'd be
great to know leave a comment section below but the
important thing is they have acknowledged it and they are trying to
work for a solution this week the Tesla and Nvidia shares have took a bit of a
plummet on the stock market and this down to something that happened a
week before which wasn't involving Eva well it was involving Nvida it wasn't
involving Tesla and that was the uber car crash self-driving car crash if you
haven't heard about this already an uber car sadly killed a lady a lady sadly
lost the life and crossing the road she approached from between two hedges two
bushes the safety driver was on his phone and wasn't paying attention and
the lady sadly got killed and run over the problem is the lidar didn't pick
her up but then the safety driver wasn't paying attention so he didn't Brake now
judging by the footage that I've seen and also the police report it says that
pretty much she would have been hit even if the driver car was being driven by
a normal person the question is would an normal person have been out to slow the car
down enough to prevent the fatality from prevent her being killed and we'll
never know something we'll never know but we should have the computer dater
and why the lidar failed and hopefully uber and all the other self-driving car
companies have safety drivers will revet at the safe drivers they're employing
sat in the cars to make sure they are
you know competent and safe to watch the road at all time and won't be on their
phone not paying attention now the reason Nvidia shares have been
hit by this is Nvidia are a chip maker they make computer chips and they make
most the chips that go into autonomous cars they pretty much not all of them
and that is the reason why it's affected a lot of people are worried that because
of the crash that self-driving cars are not all the cracked up to be and they're
never going to hit mark it but will you need to remember that self-driving cars
are in very very very early development I mean extremely early it development
probably I'm going to see fully autonomous cars on the road for a very
very long time they're still being tested they start off safety drivers
they have god knows how many computers the datas they are in very
early testing phases and we need to remember that
before we sort of hit them with sort of hard penalties and harsh penalties if
anything the safety driver should be the only person hit with a penalty because
at the end of the day he's supposed to have full control of the car if anything
happens on the lidar computer system I mean the end of the day the computer
system could have crashed and that's why the car didn't stop in which case the
safety driver should have been there to take over the reason why Tesla have
shares dropped is also because they invest heavily in autonomous cars
there's a couple of other things hitting Tesla at the moment one is obviously
they've dropped shares because there's a few complaints about model model 3
panel alignment issues and stuff like that we need to remember that Tesla
Tesla is like apple of the car industry they create fantastic technology
interesting products they are not really a car company they are very new to the
car spectrum think of them more as a technology company we need to support
Tesla and if I was you Tesla are at the lowest share point they've been in 12
months if I'm as an investor as a person who buys shares I will be buying more
Tesla shares and the reason I'm driving my dog mad by the way my dogs called
Tess I named her after Tesla and every time I say tess she keeps looking up
like why you say my name but the the reason why Tesla tesla the shares at the
lowest point and you should buy them and the reason for that is Tesla do one
thing and that is they always prove everyone wrong every time someone says
the shares are failing they double in price by the next year so
at the lowest point they've ever been in 12 months I'd buy some they're a good
investment to hold on to even if you looking at a six-month investment
12-month investment they're a good investment to buy especially with a lot
of companies now already signing up to the Tesla mega truck system that's
coming out a lot of big firms are already interested in making large bulk
orders for that so that will just keep pushing Tesla shares open up and up when
they eventually get to product rolling Jaguar and waymo are working together
in partnership they are in the first two years gonna put 20,000 vehicles on the
road waymoby the way if you didn't know it used to be Google
Google self-driving cars so makes you wonder if anyone's actually really
worried about self-driving cars after the uber uber incident because Jaguar
and waymo are going to really really be pushed 20,000 units in two years
production is a lot of self-driving cars to be put on the road and tested test
start this year on the I-pace for waymo and that's gonna be great it's
gonna be great to see that Jaguar and Land Rover are looking really pushing
towards this sort of electric self-driving autonomous future thank you
very much for watching this week's video if you haven't already make sure you
subscribe give it a thumbs up and I'll see you again next week thanks very much
for watching goodbye
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