Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Dr. Vladislav GYEBNAR PhD Plastic, aesthetic, reconstructive and hand surgery

Chronic Pectoralis Major Tendon Repair with allograft

Hello, I'm Dr. Vladislav GYEBNAR plastic and reconstructive surgeon

I will speak to you today about the reconstruction of pectoralis major muscle

at 18th months after the disinsertion of its tendon from the arm

At the end of this movie you can watch the moment of the rupture captured on video

The pectoralis major muscle is a fan-shaped muscle

which leaves from the clavicle, sternum and ribs and reaches on the humerus to which is attached through a short tendon

The muscle is responsible for the adduction and medial rotation of the arm towards the trunk

Under given conditions, especially in the cases of bodybuilders,

the muscular tissue gains a lot of mass along with its force but without the increase of the strength

Under these conditions, on major overstrains, the avulsion or the disinsertion of the tendon from the arm can appear

Together with acute functional impairment namely the lack of muscular contraction, an ecchymosis on the arm will appear forthwith

The disinsertion is not painful, which can delay the doctor's visit, the diagnosis and the immediate treatment

Preoperative The aspect of the muscle during contraction is a specific one

Warning! This video contains graphic surgery. Viewer discretion is advised!

Planning skin incision

Exposure of the muscular end

Exposure of the tendons of coracobrachialis muscle, the short and long head of biceps brachii

Identification of the greater tubercle of humerus

Tensor Fascia Lata is prepared for harvest in order to be used as a graft

The graft sutured to the pectoralis major muscle teared end

Complete reconstruction – the attach of the graft on the humerus

6 weeks postoperative evolution

Thank you for watching! Please subscribe my Youtube Channel!

moment of the rupture


Dr. Vladislav GYEBNAR PhD Plastic, esthetic, reconstructive and hand surgery

For more infomation >> Chronic Pectoralis Major Tendon Repair with allograft ▪ LIVE surgery ▪ Ruptura muschiului pectoral - Duration: 2:47.


We want you! - Duration: 0:17.

Enroll with us! The traitors don't finish!

Catalonia needs now... All of theirs soldiers!

It's WIN or DIE!

For more infomation >> We want you! - Duration: 0:17.


Hermano L entrevista a General Levy. Mota&sound, Ragga, dancehall, jungle (interview) - Duration: 19:11.

For more infomation >> Hermano L entrevista a General Levy. Mota&sound, Ragga, dancehall, jungle (interview) - Duration: 19:11.


Analysis of the new Hyperspin of Marcianitos80. #frikisocial #frikiretrogamer # marcianitos80 - Duration: 15:33.

That happens, trunks!

I'm so excited about today's video I do not think wasting time

We get directly into the Hyperspin

Let's teach

I'll explain in a moment that does not cost me my job, the parrot!

Then plug in the machine and give traya, there

Electricity for the screen, hit the button

And pull to front

The activated ... do silly waving screen

And the Street Fighter at full power and full speed

Up the volume

Luckily because we were going to let deaf

Well first of all is the Hyperspin, there have vector games

We Sega Model 2

The Nintendo 64

The Jukebox to listen to music in recreational

in the new update ... a few PC games ... then we'll see

The Game Boy ... this is the above, the Master System

We have also the Mega Drive

The Super Nintendo will come there you have it now ...

And as

the Nes

And a little more than new

Well, the Visual Pinball is not new, as it was before


... As no console life!

We also PlayStation which will meddle later

And the MAME

Let's dig

This is the bad part

Returning to the beginning ... effectively is one of the first fault that we found

When you leave an executed game ... Imagine you are in this

And run

Well ... when we left

For the record, previously passed

We entered again recreation

It's bullshit ... but assumes ass

We were going to start that is a bitch

And make it clear that is the only drawback that has this update

Game Boy Advance

zillions thousand

Nintendo ... excuse me ... the brightness blur bummed me

Tropecientos billion also

Super Nintendo

Demon's Crest

For example

The F-Zero

Star Fox

Super Mario World ... if you look

Many roms are in Spanish

Spanish ... and here the US


Sega Genesis

As you can see this is a brief look at what we already had in recreational

Cool Spot

Master System

The Game Boy

The truth is that it is a chuladita play Game Boy in recreational, uh ... well fijaros, fijaros

This really is a pasote

And wait a minute that the Tetris comes next now

There you lllevas, the game became more famous with this console

Do you know why I put this game on purpose, right?

Indeed, because it is one of the updates

Now speaks

Rafa has improved and recovered

this piece Pin Ball "Creatures black lake"

And fijaros in detail because things change now

Do you realize?

This is how the machine hits

And careful because three times is missing

But let there many more ... including my favorite


Theme Favorites

Let's see the functions of the machine ... this configuration can change Rafa but it is usual that number 5 button which in our case is yellow

Be ... enter favorites

And now the Thematic

And indeed button 2 which in our case is the red ... is to go to "Theme"

And now look at this function because it is also interesting ... pause

We use the button 1 and 2


It pauses

We take the phone call, go to the service or whatever ... back ...

And we do the same to continue the game

Now I will explain a curious curiosity that has the Mame

It is made with Knob 2

I get to play Sunset Riders that cool shit you and I kill rock, eeeeeeh

and I get to this part and say ... fuck like this ... as mola fijaros

2 and pressed down

And the position is recorded

We keep playing and say ... fuck that beautiful this part ...

Then I come here and say, fuck as molado that part, I want to play it again

But now the same thing but in reverse ... 2 and up

Two and up

And I go again


This is the menu button or reverse

But keep in mind that recreation can also be switched off with the button above

So we have two ways to turn off the gaming machine

But do not worry that the foot door will not forget me show it to you, I have also inside the Frikisocialpolicial magnifying glass, which I investigate always

I keep it there all

As you well know are two pieces

The Bartop foot above and below and are united

Well ... in recreational there has also been another substantial change

We have placed two USB inputs on the back

where we can connect the command of the Nintendo 64 and the skewer for Jukebox

Three options for placing the USB inputs ... or there

Or here...

Or under the door but beware ...

because we risk the door bug the USB

Or next to the button Pinball

Now we show the added back to Hyperspin

Well here begins the new ... as you can see the Dreamcast emulator has added to Hyperspin with a few inches games

To see

The great pleasure of knowing a console

That was when he left descatalogó Playstation

A pity because it was a pepinazo

Here you can see a few games

Interesting ... hey!

eye! When you run a game from the Dreamcast because it automatically enters a Menu

... to be removed by pressing the left and run

Do not get surprised!

Quietly and then you can give cane to SoulCalibur

Nope ... pepinazo!

Another new brings emulators

that really he has given me the willies

because it brings me beautiful memories

It is the theme of the games Vector

Impressive that Asteroids

Up to Asteroids Deluxe high a

Brutal! ... This part ...

This part if I liked, filled me a lot

It is clear that each emulator means

something for everyone

and I can not get

But really this is brutal!


I really do not want to be heavy but is that what brings fijaros this emulator ...

Lunar Lander ... Asteroids ...

Asteroid deluxe

Star Wars

It is somewhat exaggerated ... very good, very good

This part is not going to edit ... I will leave it there until they kill me

And work the three buttons above ... enjoy it like I do.

Ouch ... I have not lasted long!

The next emulator in which we get is the Sega Model 2

Known for the famous Daytona ... Desert Tank

Dead or Alive


Who does not know the Virtual Cop?

Here are genuine pepinazos of that when we were 17 or 18 years

We caught the pistols and shot liábamos us in recreational


And of course ... a little game to Dynamite Cop ... you made me fast

Here we enter a part where there are computer games

Concretely has gotten 4 ... the Outrun 2006 ...

Crazy Taxi

Ultra Street Fighter 4

And the Virtual Tennis 4

Remember that the last two are licensed, you have to pay for copyright

Another thing is that you already have them at home, or you have downloaded the ... that I do not put my me.

Something tells me this is just what marks the before and after, eh!

As you can see no end ... we continue to see things from recreational

It is extremely extensive ... now the Nintendo 64


In the previous video Marcianitos80, I explained a little badly over command of the Nintendo 64

So I'll put a very clear example to explain what I mean

Pay attention to this

Whoever does that with the controls of the recreational to explain

So it would be interesting to have at least one command to play these games if you want to play alone

And of course better if you have two command to play doubles ... now

It is what we have to have all clear

When buying the gaming machine

We need to communicate to Rafa

If we play with the joystick recreational

The Nintendo 64

Or we want to play

With the controls

O command of the Nintendo 64

To be set

If we only play with this

Or play with this

Once you configure Rafa

In no time we can choose

If we play one day

in particular with the Joystick

Or with the command

It is forever set

Or control of the Nintendo 64

Or with the Joystick

So choose well

And I have it clear ... that is not to sell, but I am clear

In the video description you have left a link where you can purchase the Commander of the Nintendo 64

"Amazon" for its part, will allocate the channel 5% of the value of the product without increasing the price for you

Thank you for working, really

Another very important thing about the command of the Nintendo 64 that you have to take into account

And this is ULTRA SACRED!

Do not pull up recreational connected with the command

Because it's going to go crazy to "Mame"

Pay attention to this

If you look, I give lever down and never leaves recreational

That's what happens when you start the machine with drive control

You dabble in the Nintendo 64 emulator

and it is at that moment when conectáis command of the Nintendo 64

And there is no problem

Not caguéis

That unconfigures machine and liam

This is the Hyperspin


Well ... next emulator in which we are going to focus, the Playstation

I have to tell you that we have access

to insert and remove roms

Therefore, those who see here that do not have images

They are evidence that I am currently doing, do not worry

that I will explain later

just know

we have access

Well, another little thing where I want to focus the PlayStation emulator

As ye have come to realize you are inches games if you want to see and

but the advantage of Marcianitos80 machines versus other is that we have left open emulator

so we have access to it and in a future video

we are going to teach you how to get roms

Playstation and how to put his image and how to do everything

It will be one of the following videos we do

We have not used 100 gigas

get an idea how many games we can still add

Both the Playstation and the Nintendo 64

Because for example the Zelda comes in English

but we already have access and are going to have a link dropbox

The Rom in Spanish of "Ocarina of Time"

At which time I send a greeting to our friend FLO, 172 roms of the Super Nintendo in Spanish

No it has nothing to currado Dragon Ball

Flo! ... Do yourself a Geek-Retroamer with us, not trunk?

Or shoot your channel, eh

So much so that you said you did not want to open a channel

'Open up a channel, tron ​​!!

I'll be the first thing you'll write, eh

A greeting, Flo, trunk!

Finalizing Hyperspin of Marcianitos80 we have only comment that has "Jukebox"

With the help of this band called Quasar

Morán group to which we belong and I, eh

So whoever wants to listen, card


I tell you that behind a skewer with music

Imagine ... you start to run the song

But now I want to hear the 4

He stands waiting, you have to finish first, as the lifelong Jukebox

Now 6

He stands waiting ... as well all the time

Well ... a little wink to Samuel Christopher Guiñales

Samuel Trunk

We asked what the theme of the Favorites button, button theme and this and that

Samuel an important thing tron

You have to keep in mind that favorite emulator not mix with other emulator favorites

That is, that in every emulator, you'll have your favorite

Before saying goodbye, I want to send him a small nod to a subscriber our

who stayed with the desire to us to show his recreation

A recreation that resembles Manu, eh!

Andres Nava ... this piece of Cordovan

Someday, when I leave tell their story

I tell

But I put a little picture when they went to pick it up because we were in Marcianitos80

Fijaros images

Look Andres Navas ... they take tron!

Yes sir, eh

Ole, look look, trunk ... going for Cordoba, tron!

Andrew, as someday let me speak, I speak

I put here a card

And we do a survey if you want to know or not

Salseo Youtuber!

Thank you so much for watching today

I anticipate that in a future video we will teach you to get

And to erase

Al Hyperspin and recreational machine

PlayStation Games

and place them pretty with its image, with its theme, with its video ... will be "Nikelao"

The same on the Nintendo 64

So it will be quite interesting

and I invite you to subscribe to have knowledge especially the one with

Marcianitos80 machine or in a future want to have

So it will be a very big contribution

It is going to be like, "Guia-donkeys"

Super well explained with maximum detail

We will be Nikelao not get prawn

On the other hand say

that long ago that we do not sing

I think that we have to sing

So come on!

Everyone singing, trunks! TALUE

Music teacher, with joy, with salt, giving the staff what you want, the parrot!

You've seen the video and you have the whole box game

Subscribe tron, and click the Like

Subscribe now do not leave for tomorrow

Subscribe tron, I'm excited

Jandro ...

Jandro Lion

And do not forget to share.

For more infomation >> Analysis of the new Hyperspin of Marcianitos80. #frikisocial #frikiretrogamer # marcianitos80 - Duration: 15:33.


Lego politiemannen vs de dieven (ONUR EN IBRAHIM) - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Lego politiemannen vs de dieven (ONUR EN IBRAHIM) - Duration: 0:35.


"Morre Marisa Leticia", A morte de ex-primeira dama Marisa Leticia, "Marisa Leticia morreu" após AVC - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> "Morre Marisa Leticia", A morte de ex-primeira dama Marisa Leticia, "Marisa Leticia morreu" após AVC - Duration: 2:50.


Rusalka, de Dvořák. Acto 1. Buenos Aires Lírica: Temporada 2015 - Duration: 55:10.

For more infomation >> Rusalka, de Dvořák. Acto 1. Buenos Aires Lírica: Temporada 2015 - Duration: 55:10.


Squatty Ecco® de la Squatty Potty® - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Squatty Ecco® de la Squatty Potty® - Duration: 0:42.


Spend SEVN ALIAS, JAIRZINHO óf BKO de meeste RAP MONEYS? | Vluggertje #1 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Spend SEVN ALIAS, JAIRZINHO óf BKO de meeste RAP MONEYS? | Vluggertje #1 - Duration: 1:25.


Evento de Carnaval - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Evento de Carnaval - Duration: 2:46.


Finanzas para Extranjeros - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Finanzas para Extranjeros - Duration: 2:14.


Mundial de kart | Com Gastão Fráguas e Caio Collet | #SennaTV - 036 - Duration: 15:52.

Hi! I'm Rodrigo França, this is Senna TV,

and today we'll be talking about the World Go Kart Championship.

Hello, friends of Senna TV. We're back with another interesting chat

about Ayrton Senna's career. and today we'll be talking

about a really cool specific chapter:

the World Go Kart Championship. And to talk about that

I have Gastão Fráguas with me.

What's up, Gastão? Thanks for being on Senna TV,

Gastão is nothing less than the 1995 go kart world champion.

A title that Ayrton tried to get so many times

and that you ended up winning in '95.

Could you talk about it for the Ayrton Senna fans?

We know it's an incredible achievement, that Senna really wanted to accomplish.

Of course, Ayrton had a fenomenal career in F1, with three world titles,

41 wins and so on. He became an idol.

But what is it like in go kart racing? The whole year is decided in a single contest, right?

That's it. First of all, thanks for the opportunity. It's an honor being here.

And yes, the World Go Kart Championship is a unique contest.

And I was fortunate enough to become champion.

And since we're talking about it, I'd like to say that before I went to Europe

and started racing go karts, I followed Senn's career as a go kart driver,

and people in Europe were always telling stories about Senna's go kart days abroad.

He was twice a runner up in the World Championship.

But, despite not winning, he was still considered the best.

That's so cool.

On one hand, sure, we have the final result: someone takes the title.

But some drivers stand out

to Formula One teams... They are already scouting, right?

For sure. Here's the thing:

it's harder for us, Brazilians.

Because the Mecca of professional go kart racing is Europe.

So, when we leave to Europe, everything is different - or almost everything.

So, it's harder.

While they're familiar with the procedures and the equipment since they were kids.

When we go from here to there, we have to learn a lot. So, it's harder.

It's like you said.

Yeah, Senna didn't win.

But people already saw something very unique in him.

And that makes all the difference.

Also, at the time he competed in the World Go Kart Championship,

and we've talked about it with the guys from Acelerados,

because Gerson Campos interviewed Terry Fullerton, Ayrton's big rival in his go kart days,

and Fullerton mentioned he was already a professional, he made a living that way,

while Ayrton was just a kid. "He was a boy", he said.

And that was the difference, Gastão.

When Ayrton got there, there were already people who made a living racing go karts.

That's what I'm talking about.

Ayrton was up against guys who were professionals, who had been doing that for years.

And Ayrton, even as a rookie, didn't take long to show what he was made of.

And speaking of Terry Fullerton,

after becoming champion, I had the chance to race in Terry's team.

-That's great. -I did...

Three or four races, I think, in Terry's team.

It was a great time. The stories, the behind the scenes stuff...

-So, it was great. -What stories did he tell?

Because they had a lot of respect for each other.

For sure. Terry...

He told a lot of cool stories about that time. And that's the main thing.

Terry was already a veteran, he made a living that way.

When a Brazilian kid started going faster than everybody else, he was like,

"Wait. Who's that boy?"

And they used the same equipment, right? DAP was a factory team, one of the favorites.

It couldn't have been easy for someone who was already established as the team's star.

The same thing happened when Ayrton joined McLaren. Prost was the "king" of McLaren

and had to deal with the newcomer. That's kind of what happened, right?

Exactly. And Terry actualy said that

he could see that in Senna from the beginning. He always wanted to win.

And he saw that Senna really was different.

Because when it came to competing,

they weren't friends as far as Senna was concerned. His sole focus was the competition.

Terry told us he went, "Come on, I've been here for a while.

I'm the boss here. And he wants to invade my space?"

Well, we're talking about Ayrton Senna.

We know the full story in retrospect.

But, at the time, he was just a kid from Brazil.

Even though he had won everything in Brazil, both the state and the national titles.

But things were different in Europe.

There was no Internet, they couldn't watch his races.

-He arrived as just another driver, there. -Sure, nobody knew who Ayrton was.

They knew he had a good record in Brazil.

But who knows what's gonna happen when someone moves from Brazil to Europe?

And he showed right away that he was an outstanding driver.

And just so you guys know:

I, at least, used to think the World Go Kart Championship was like the World Cup.

That it was a full month of racing, with several stages.

But it's nothing like that. It's full speed ahead.

It's basically just one weekend.

You practice a little, in the track, during the week,

Then you have the preliminary rounds, the final, and whoever wins is world champion.

There's no margin for error, right?

Yes. The world championship had, in the last few years, some...

-Rule changes. -Yes, rule changes.

It was like that in my time, and it`s changed a little, recently,

but the vast majority of tournaments takes place over the course of one week.

At the time I was champion, there were 130 drivers,

from all over the world, but only 34 made it to the final.

So, there was a time trial,

then we had the qualifying heats,

the pre-final round and the final.

All of that in a single week.

So, we had to have everything in order to be able to fight for the title.

Just the best in the world. Who were your contemporaries, for instance?

I think the most famous one, who had a lot of success later on, was Jenson Button.

Jenson Button, an F1 World Champion.

When I was champion, he was the runner up.

He was also starting out.

He was young, he was second in the world,

and you could tell he had a bright future ahead of him.

And you, besides dueling with Button, and beating him at the World Championship,

had the privilege of racing, not in a competition, of course,

but in a friendly match, so to speak, with Ayrton Senna.

-But there were no friendly matches with Senna, right? -No!

Even if it was just for fun, he raced to win.

Yeah, that was part of Ayrton.

Whatever he did, he was in it to win, whether or not it was just for fun.

That was something that I'll never forget.

It was in '93. Ayrton was in São Paulo,

and he called Maurão, who had been Senna's mechanic back when he raced here.

The great Maurão.

He said, "Maurão, can you bring over a few drivers on the weekend to play around?

Maurão was like, '"Sure, I'll bring my drivers." And that's what happened.

I had the chance to spend a full day on Senna's track.

On the go kart track he had built.

And we spent the whole day there, driving around.

But what is it like? Someone calls you up and says, "Hey, do you want to race with Ayrton Senna?"

What kind of invitation is that, Gastão?

Yeah, I was really amazed at that invitation.

I though I was on a hidden camera show.

What was it like when you got there? You saw that famous helmet, this one,

the helmet everyone knows.

What was it like to share the same track?

It was an amazing experience, because I had just start driving go karts.

I had just one year of experience.

So, it was an amazing experience, for me.

What stood out to me was the fact that Senna already was a three-time world champion,

and karting was just a hobby for him, something he did for fun.

But as soon as he put on the helmet and started driving,

you could tell he was not of this world.

We were all really young, and we practiced everyday.

And he didn't.

It was something he did sporadically.

But he was just as fast as us.

And you didn't go easy on him, right?

-Who doesn't want to beat Ayrton Senna? -Of course!

We had a lot of respect for him, but we wanted to show our talent.

It was an amazing experience.

It's also a story that shows how Ayrton was, his personality.

He wasn`t even wearing a racing suit.

Just a sweater.

He put on the helmet and didn't even wear gloves.

He was like, "Let's go!" He fueled his go kart and drove away without gloves.

After a few laps, we stopped.

I saw he wasn't wearing gloves and I had an extra pair.

So, I said: "Ayrton, do you want these?"

He said: "Thanks!" Then he put on the gloves and drove away.

He didn't care about what he was wearing. He just wanted to drive.

He made all the adjustments, he fueled the kart, he inflated the tires.

You could tell he was unique.

And it was a lesson for us. It was really important to see that

despite being a three-time world champion, despite being so famous and successful,

he still did all that.

I think that was the best lesson we could have learned.

And, two years later, you became world go kart champion.

So, we can say Ayrton had a little hand in your title, right?

Absolutely. As I said, it was an amazing experience for me.

And two years later I won the world title.

So, it was very moving for me.

At the time, I even dedicated my title to Senna,

because that was a title he really wanted.

He even mentioned that, back at his track.

"The one thing missing in my career was a go kart world title".

So, it was a great honor, for me, to win that title.

It's great that Ayrton has left such a legacy for your generation of go kart drivers,

and you won the world title.

And today, since you've taken more of a role as a manager,

can you say there are more kids following the same path

and getting ready to represent Brazil in the world go kart championship

and later, maybe, in Formula One?

Absolutely. In my career, I made it to Formula Three.

Then, for several reasons. I ended up retiring.

And I realized that what I lacked, in my career, was more of a professional management.

So, when I stopped racing, I started a managing company for drivers,

so I could help drivers in developing their careers.

Throughout the years, I've worked with several drivers.

Now, I'm working with Caio Collet,

who is one the most promising young Brazilian talents.

He's been having a brilliant career.

Last year, he finished the world championship in third place,

which was the best showing by a Brazilian driver in almost two decades

So, here's what we're going to do, since we don't have time to waste:

let's talk to Caio Collet right now, through the power of YouTube magic.

But before we do that, thanks for talking to us, Gastão.

-Let's see if Caio can talk to us. -Yeah, let's do this magic.

-Thanks! -Thanks!

Wow, the kid really is fast! How did you get here so fast, dude?

I think there was a little camera trick or something.

But let's not talk about it. That's how we do it on YouTube.

We have Caio Collet with us. Obviously, he was waiting backstage to talk to us.

First of all, Caio, we were talking about your third place in the World Go Kart Championship.

That was an amazing result.

Brazil hadn't had such a good result in a while.

And you were up against drivers from all over the world, right?

First of all, thanks for having me here.

The week of the championship was really intense.

I had an issue with my back, in the previous week.

But we worked a lot in the week of the championship, and all of our effort throughout the year paid off.

Dude, I'm old enough to have back problems, but not you. How old are you, anyway?

I'm 14.

-But that's because you train so hard, right? -Yeah, one week before

the track was really bad, there was a lot of rubber.

So I hit a kerb and fell down.

That caused a lesion, but thank God it didn't affect my actual driving.

And tracks in Europe are very different from the ones in Brazil, right?

I've heard this rubber issue is very different.

Yes, In Europe, tires are different.

The number of drivers is also way bigger.

They use another type of pavement.

So, things end up really different.

And what's really cool is that even though you are 14,

your role model is Ayrton Senna.

Who introduced you - your dad, probably - to Ayrton's races?

How did you come in contact with Ayrton's universe?

Everything started with my dad.

When I started out, I was a little aware of his story.

But my dad was the one who told me most of it,

and everything that happened to him.

I bet that watching the videos it's hard to believe someone was able to pull off those amazing feats.

What is it like for you, as a driver?

Unfortunately, I wasn't there to witness it.

But, from the videos I saw, I can tell he was different from the others.

And what inspires you the most, Caio?

We know Senna was the king of the rain.

He was incredibly fast. When he had the pole position, he was almost unbeatable.

What are some of his characteristics that you try to bring to your own career?

He's a role model in almost every aspect, for young drivers like us.

But his personality is really inspiring.

That's a really awesome point.

Which part of his personality, though?

People talk about the fact that Prost took him out in '89, and he returned the favor in '90.

We know that crashing is not the best way to decide a world title.

But many people praise him for having his payback on the track.

Is that how you think?

No, that was an "an eye for an eye" situation,

But I'm talking about the way he treated people, his demeanor.

-So, Caio Collet, good luck again. -Thanks.

Another driver inspired by Ayrton Senna

and who maybe will bring a lot of joy to Brazil. Good luck, Caio.

Thanks, see you guys.

That was a very cool chat about the world go kart championship.

So, like the video, share it with your friends and subscribe to Senna TV.

You can also watch the other videos that you can see on the screen right now.

And check out the Ayrton Senna merchandise at the Ayrton Senna Shop, okay?

Thanks, see you guys!

For more infomation >> Mundial de kart | Com Gastão Fráguas e Caio Collet | #SennaTV - 036 - Duration: 15:52.


Making XMILE (english subs): Accesibilidad y diseño universal / Accessibility and universal design - Duration: 3:55.

I'm Ana Carot, I studied journalism, now I sell lottery for ONCE

and I've been invited to watch Xmile.

So imaginative!

It's very cool, but it's impossible to get it without audio description.

I'm Germán Gijón, voice actor.

Text over black background: What's the value of a smile?

Year 2087.

Earth is seen from the space.

The audio description is the acoustic system that helps

visually disabled people follow the movies.

It consists on using the moments where there's no dialogue for us

to describe the actions and context.

Xmile also features subtitles adapted for hearing disabled people.

I'm Esperanza Adriá, CERMI coordinator in Valencia.

We defend the rights of the disabled people

on terms of global accessibility.

I've seen the whole process: the editing, the recording, etc.

and I have to say that there are no economic resources

to make any valencian cultural works accessible.

I'm Vicente Alcoi and I have a severe visual condition.

I just watched the film and I was impressed by the audio description.

It's less robotic or cold than the ones I've

experienced before.

I'm surprised, because I'm not that much into scifi,

but in the end you realize that there's a hidden love story.

The great thing about the audio description is that it's been

written by the film's script writer: by Miguel Ángel.

He's been able to integrate it into Xmile's atmosphere.

I don't get how this can be put on the hair.

I've discovered many things by touch.

Everything about how the BioApps are put on the skin…

It's like a cape.

I like it!

Check these details, they are awesome.

And this tear, it's amazing.

I hope many people support this initiative, it'll bring cinema and culture closer

to some people that sometimes have difficulties to have access to it.

I've watched the movie, it was weird and futuristic but I understood it

because of its subtitles, their timing and their colors.

So dope, man.

Knowing that we are going to describe with our voice the context

in which the visually disabled people are going to be able to "live"

what is going on in the film is very emotional for us.

It doesn't have anything to do with a commercial work.

It's the same working process, but a very different feeling.

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