Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 2 2017

Is is 'Pão de quejo'...

or 'Pão de queijo'?

Hi, I'm Kika and welcome to my Youtube channel!

Today is the day that I'm finally making

the well known "pão de queijo"

I bought this

sour corn starch

and I don't really know where to start

but this has a recipe here, on the back.

So I think I'll be following this recipe.

And I don't know if it is the best one so,

don't hate me.

I simply don't know.

So give this video a 'thumbs up' for good luck

And comment down bellow which recipe you usually follow.

I have absolutely no idea of what to do.

Typical portuguese.

Let's start!

For more infomation >> THE FAMOUS 'PÃO DE QUEIJO'! | itskika.t - Duration: 3:01.


Traces de Silence - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Traces de Silence - Duration: 3:24.


Conan Exiles - Conhecendo - EP01 - Duration: 28:32.

For more infomation >> Conan Exiles - Conhecendo - EP01 - Duration: 28:32.



For more infomation >> 7 GADGETS FANTASTICOS APRESENTADOS NA CES 2017 - Duration: 8:08.


Thomas Le Moteur De Réservoir Échoue Dans La Piscine! Voitures Spiderman Mcqueen Hulk Et Farceur Zon - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> Thomas Le Moteur De Réservoir Échoue Dans La Piscine! Voitures Spiderman Mcqueen Hulk Et Farceur Zon - Duration: 11:20.


Um ato para aumentar o número de clientes! - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Um ato para aumentar o número de clientes! - Duration: 4:00.


PROTRIP-WORLD - Seguro de viaje para jovenes - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> PROTRIP-WORLD - Seguro de viaje para jovenes - Duration: 1:12.


CHAOS IN MORONDAVA | EP 11 | Tour de Mada - Duration: 9:12.



and gents, episode 10 in the Tour de Mada series here on YouTube.

Today I ride stage 6 in the Tour Cycliste.

A race which should 90 k but will be 113 kilometers due to – I dunno really.

Bad calculations I guess?

Someone who couldn't count the kilometers of the circuit?

I think all the riders some sort of recovered yesterday of their efforts in the last five


For me personally things got worse.

I don't feel fit, have diarrhea and I doubt about starting todays stage.

Temperatures rise to 35 to 40 degrees in the morning and we start today's race at 1300


It might be, potentially, a bit hot during the race.

As the race starts in the afternoon there is a little bit of time to relax and do some

sort of grocery shopping at the market.

Which was – as you can see in previous shots – pretty nasty.

But I do need banana's to survive here in Madagascar.

I manage to race 20 laps of the thirty, resulting in 70 k of racing.

But then the heat and the illness just become too much and I cannot follow the pace anymore.

Some sort of dehydrated I get off the bike and wait for the others to finish their race.

A successful race for the others though, as Bob – likewise in stage 1 – takes the

victory solo.

Incredible effort of Bob again resulting in complete crazy situations in the village…

One amazing thing in Morondava is the children's race – supported by Unicef.

Great to see the young fellows getting in touch with bikes really.

Hopefully, hopefully I recover quickly because tomorrow's stage is a classic over 120 kilometers


I am allowed to start, although I did not finish today's race.

If I disband tomorrow again, then the Tour de Mada is over for me.

For more infomation >> CHAOS IN MORONDAVA | EP 11 | Tour de Mada - Duration: 9:12.


COMPARTIENDO DESDE EL CORAZÓN, CONSCIENCIA con Isabella Magdala, Emilio Carrillo, Luis Palacios - Duration: 1:35:16.

For more infomation >> COMPARTIENDO DESDE EL CORAZÓN, CONSCIENCIA con Isabella Magdala, Emilio Carrillo, Luis Palacios - Duration: 1:35:16.


Si duermes con tu telefono al lado esto le puede estar pasando a tu cerebro por dentro - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Si duermes con tu telefono al lado esto le puede estar pasando a tu cerebro por dentro - Duration: 1:25.


Your Story is Our Story - Alumni Series - Marcelo Tas - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Your Story is Our Story - Alumni Series - Marcelo Tas - Duration: 3:48.


The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre 4/ Le Centre de cancérologie de L'Hôpital d'Ottawa - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre 4/ Le Centre de cancérologie de L'Hôpital d'Ottawa - Duration: 0:46.


La Nuit des vers géants 1976 (vostfr) Film complet - Duration: 1:32:52.

For more infomation >> La Nuit des vers géants 1976 (vostfr) Film complet - Duration: 1:32:52.


Talking Tom's Brainfarts - Selfie Perfect - Duration: 2:21.

Don't do duck face, please!

This is the only acceptable duck face.

Did you know that when the first official selfie was made in 1839... had to stand in front of the camera for like 3 minutes...

...completely still?

An behold: the first ever duck face selfie.

Nowadays it's much easier to take a selfie.

Specially if you have a selfie-stick!

Which is also really good for self-defense.

Or, as I call it...


The other cool thing about a selfie-stick is... can expand it!

And take selfies...

...from the distance you want!

Isn't that cool?




Another great tip...

...use emotions in your selfies.

For example

This is happiness.

This is fear of spiders.


This is an unpleasant surprise.

And this is horror!

But more horrifying is that new emotion called...

Duck face!

And because you don't wanna make boring selfies...'s another tip:

Every selfie is better with a celebrity!

Here, let me help you.

Oh, and always make sure that you have something cool on the background.


...a beautiful sunset...

...a robot army...

...the world!

Oh, look!

There's you!

And you!

A-and you!

Oh, wow!

I just made a selfie of us all!

Houston, we have a problem.

This video is ending.

Now go out there and be awesome in your selfies!

See you next time!

Subscribe to my channel!

Ooh! Satellite!





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