Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2017

Waching daily Feb 1 2017

It's been an eventful week for Carlo Ancelotti and Bayern Munich so far:

yesterday Philipp Lahm had to sit out the training session due to a minor injury but today the Bayern skipper fortunately returned to the pitch.

Franck Ribéry, on the other hand, wasn't quite as lucky.

The French winger sustained a thigh injury in training yesterday

and will most likely be forced to sit out for the next two weeks.

First of all it's always bad when players are injured.

For us it's extremely important that everyone is fit and on board,

particularly when the busy schedule recommences.

It is sad to have Franck side-lined now.

Bad news!

While Franck Ribery will be side-lined in the near future Carlo Ancelotti was able to welcome

Arturo Vidal back to the pitch this week following the Chilean's rib injury.

Midfield engine Thiago is also back in training.

Thiago returned this week and so did Arturo. That was great news for us

now that the busy schedule begins.

When we play two games a week

it's important to have everyone fit and for injured players to return.

Now it's sad to have to do without Franck for a while.

I hope his injury won't last very long.

Two games, six points: Bayern Munich have recorded a perfect statistical start to 2017.

Saturday afternoon's match against Schalke is not only the next real test of strength for Ancelotti's boys

but also the beginning of the first really busy weeks in the New Year.

It's time the slow weeks ended.

It's quite a drag to wait all week for the next match to come around.

We're used to playing a game every three or four days

which is why we're so happy the busy schedule kicks off now.

For more infomation >> Lahm back on the pitch – Ribéry injured - Duration: 2:05.



And if you are without this magic tool, you are screwed over.

A priori, because rest assured, everything is not lost!

Hi everybody.

In this new video I will give you some solutions to survive to one of the worst hardships of life:

open a bottle without corkscrew.

N ° 5: The nails and the hammer.

Plant 3 or 4 nails in the cork, making a circular arc with.

With pliers or the open part of the hammer, pull it by turning at the same time.

Do not go too hard otherwise you will not lift the cork and you will snatch everything.

Half way you can use your hand to do the job ...

N ° 4: In the same principle you can replace the nails by a screw.

If you've always dreamed of looking like Mac Gyver it's ok, you're on the right way!

N ° 3: If you do not have your favorite toolbox with you, use a key.

It is a technique a little more sharp which requires a ... delicate fingering ...

It must be planted crooked. Turn slowly and pull slightly up to release the cap.

Finish once again with your hand ...!

N ° 2: It's a bit roots, but the shoe is a good way to get the top of the hole out ...

Two variations, put the bottle between the legs and tap his ass with your sole.

Otherwise put the bottle in the shoe, and hit it against a wall.

I think a few will need some training.

And finally the most badasse solution of all.

You must release the crazy man in you and break the neck of the bottle in a festive and full of life impulse!

Be careful! Some tables and sinks have not always resisted so much ...

will to drink a bottle!

The best is still to be always equipped when you go out.

A corkscrew with you and joy is among us!

So to be sure to always have what it takes, I offer you today a Homer Simpson corkscrew.

As usual, find all the infos on my Facebook page.

I give you appointment in 15 days and do not forget,

alcohol is to be consumed in moderation, but not sharing this video.

Health and happiness to everybody !

For more infomation >> 5 WAYS TO OPEN A BOTTLE WITHOU A CORKSCREW - Duration: 1:56.


O tempo é o de substituir os ruídos da mente pela brandura do coração – Mãe Maria - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> O tempo é o de substituir os ruídos da mente pela brandura do coração – Mãe Maria - Duration: 9:19.


Cubase PRO vs Cubase Elements (y cómo conseguir algunas herramientas del PRO) - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> Cubase PRO vs Cubase Elements (y cómo conseguir algunas herramientas del PRO) - Duration: 9:43.


Andrzej Munk - Blekitny krzyz 1955 (POL) VOS (Los hombres de la cruz azul) - Duration: 55:44.

The seat of the VoIuntary Tatra Mountain Rescue Service has been

Iocated at the foot of the PoIish Tatra Mountains for fifty years.

The Register of Rescue Expeditions

The thick book chronicIes aII expeditions

of the Rescue Service, from the first one tiII the present.

Our fiIm teIIs the story of the most difficuIt of them.



based on the short story by

Music: Sound:

Narration: Voice-over:

Editor: Assistant Director:


Camera Assistant:

Sound Assistant:


Make-up artist:

Lab Processing:

Production Manager:


Directed by:

"The history of the expedition is true.

Minor changes incorporated in the story by the fiIm authors

have not significantIy aItered its course and sense."

Among the characters appearing in the fiIm are the reaI heroes

of the feat. The fiIm authors wish to dedicate the fiIm to them -

the mountain partisans of the days of war and the voIuntary Tatra

mountain rescue team, the men of the BIue Cross.

It was in February 1945.

The residents of the PodhaIe area enjoyed

the first days of freedom.

It was, however, uncertain. SizabIe numbers of German troops

heId out braveIy severaI kiIometres away, in SIovakia.

SmaII irreguIar patroIs of Soviet troops were stationed in Zakopane.

It was then when SIovak physician, doctor Juraj made it to Zakopane.

Where is a Russian commander?

Misha, Misha, Misha. It"s KoIa. It"s KoIa caIIing.

Can you hear me? Over.

It"s Misha, comrade commander.

Tomorrow, you wiII Iet a PoIish rescue team pass through 2735.

The password 7232 wiII be given

by doctor Juraj.

On the request of doctor Juraj, the most senior mountaineers -

Tatra rescuers were sent for.

Heavlly wounded partlsans

are ln a fleld hospltal at the heart of the mountalns,

on the German-controlled slde.

They must be rescued now or wlll dle elther at the hands of Germans

or dle of wounds. They must be rescued.

The oIdest and most experienced rescuer was Stanisław of Las.

His opinion was cruciaI.

Boys, we must go there.

Boys, we must go there.

To my hospitaI.

And do you reaIize what kind of hospitaI this is?

Do you know who the wounded are?

Jan HoIesza is on guard. A SIovak partisan.

He was ordered to stand guard after his unit had Ieft.

He is the onIy one to keep guard. And he does. Day and night.

Others don"t Ieave the cabin at aII.

Repiszczak, a heavy gunshot wound, he cannot bend his Ieg...

Maxim OIeynikov, a Russian paratrooper. The Iiaison officer...

Grade III frostbite, both Iegs.

Bozenka, my foster daughter.

She"s our nurse.

And Sedyakov... Tikhon. He is aIso a Russian.

He"d been a partisan fighter for three years. Shot in the Iung.

He"d been spitting up bIood for a month. Iate December HoIesza was on guard, as usuaI.

The Germans appeared to be instaIIing themseIves in the vaIIey

for good. They were setting up an outpost on the opposite mountainside.

From that day on we were cut off from the outside worId.

We couId Iight a fire onIy at night.

We might have been spotted by a patroI any time.

We were heIpIess -

aII we couId do was to wait for heIp.

Just wait...

That"s how Christmas found us...

We threw - somehow or other - a partisan Christmas party.

The condition of Maxim is worrying me more and more.

For some time I had feared whether gangrene wouId set in.

He wouId have to be operated on and have his toes amputated.


CIose the door.

It"s coId.

On that day I made up my mind.

Amputating the toes was a Iast resort for him.

The onIy remedy Ieft

was iodine...

WeII, Maxim.

I am ready.

Let"s go, boys. We wiII set off at dawn.

Stanisław Byrcyn had waIked in the mountains for fifty years,

but was getting ready for such an expedition for the first time...

- Is that you, Dad? - SIeep my sweetie. SIeep.

Go to kenneI!

The BIue Cross on his armband is the symboI of the Rescue Service.

It is the rescuer"s badge.

Byrcyn has spent 50 years in the Service.

Go to kenneI, Bass. Go home.

Go to your kenneI. Go to your kenneI! To kenneI, Bass!

Go to your kenneI.

Go home! Son of a bitch.

Go to your kenneI, Bass!

- Good morning. - WeIcome!

Join us, uncIe! Sit down with us, uncIe.

The chronicIe of the Tatra Mountain Rescue Service contains

the expedition report, dated January 1945, which goes Iike this:

... We rode in sIeigh for the first part of the journey.

We took three toboggans,

ten pairs of skis and rescue gear for us and the wounded.

Doctor Juraj, joined by oId Jozek and Tadek,

the winter cIimb expert, were riding in the first sIeigh.

Stanisław of Las, Staszek Marusarz and Romek were riding in the other...

Bass, come here! Come here, Bass.

Come here, Bass.

That"s where the path Ieads... To SIovakia.

Across two mountain ranges - and one front Iine.

From here we had to go on foot or ski, somehow or other.

The route was marked out by Juraj and Jozek, who Ied the expedition.

He was the onIy one to take us through the area.

The road we were supposed to take was difficuIt even in times of peace.

It Ied through avaIanche-prone mountainsides,

and in January there were heavy snowfaIIs...

now, any step we made brought us on the edge of war.

When at around midday the skies cIeared,

we went through the first range.

Now we were facing the toughest and and most dangerous mountainsides.

At 12:30 pm we reached the LifeIess GuIIey...

Come, Bass. HeeI! Come! HeeI! Bass, come here, Bass.

Come here, Bass. Come

Come. HeeI! Come here, now.

Come. Come, Bass.

HeeI! Come here! HeeI.

An avaIaaanche!

... We were extremeIy Iucky...

The front of the avaIanche went past -

we were onIy caught by its fIank.

Bass, a good dog. Good doggie.

Bass, good doggie.

Good doggie.

Bass, Bass, come here.


Stop! Your password!

"A raiIway station."

We met the Iast Soviet patroI in the area at 5 pm at the peak

of the other range.

It was necessary to change the route

to avoid the friendIy fire of a machine gun.

The vaIIey was within range of gunfire of Russian patroIs...

On the other side, the Germans were patroIIing the area unhindered...

At the bottom of the vaIIey there was a footbridge...

kind of a frontier...

Behind it there was the Iand controIIed by the Nazis.

The road ahead Ied through the woods - aIong the steep mountainside.

Staszek found it especiaIIy hard -

he was 60... but joined the expedition.

We had to Ieave the skis here.

And we were forced to Ieave Bass either;

he might have barked at the Germans.

We wanted to Ieave no footprints on busy traiIs

so we chose to go aIong totaIIy roadIess tracts.

It was better than meeting a Nazi patroI.

Ferrying the wounded aIong the road was out of the question...

Tirednes impinged.

We were on the road for 1 4 hours...

When aII of us reached the destination at Iast,

Jozek couId not count up.

Tadek - present...

Romek - present...

Byrcyn - ...


Wawrytko... Jozek...



Yes, Staszek Iagged behind.

Tadeusz went to search him.

Two of us Ieft.

But we couId not wait...

HeeeIp! HeeeIp!

HeeeIp! HeeeIp!




Bass. Bass.

Stasek. Stasek.

We were not far from the cabin.

We were ascending the steep mountainside

to be as far from the German outpost as possibIe.

It was around midnight.


That"s me, Bernard.




In the cabin we had a few hours of rest tiII dawn.

Bozena was making barIey for supper -

the Iast suppIy

of barIey meticuIousIy rationed for so many days.

Repiszczak"s spoons came in handy at Iast...

Tikhon had been smoking a pipe fiIIed with moss for many weeks...

We set off on a return trip at the crack of dawn.

Now the ascent appeared to be so easy.

Maxim was riding on one toboggan. Tikhon was riding on the other...

A spare one was for Repiszczak, who was hobbIing aIong.

We put out the remnants of the campfire in the "hospitaI."

That"s a German cabin...

and that"s the onIy path for toboggans...

After a three-hour cIimb we entered a cIearing.

The German outpost in the vaIIey was three hours behind.

We couId waIk more safeIy.

We took an easier and shorter route back. OnIy that...

from this pIace the whoIe stretches of terrain were entireIy exposed -

visibIe from kiIometres around.


Give me the sub-machine gun, give doctor a hand!

We were at the bottom of the vaIIey. Our finaI cIimb started from here.

A cIear traiI Ied through the footbridge;

good for the toboggans.

We had to stop the Germans at the footbridge

or none of us wouId stay aIive.

The next two Ieft - Byrcyn and HoIesza...

So that others couId go on...

At Iast we reached the pIace where we"d Ieft the skis the previous day.


The Germans fired a fIare to caII patroIs. It showed a direction.



- HoIeszaaaaaa!

- Byrcok! Byrcok!

And that"s the end of our true story

about the IittIe episode at the cIose of the great war.

Most of these peopIe neither wore uniforms

nor were mentioned in dispatches.

OnIy their names and this story

were written in the chronicIe of the BIue Cross

with an ordinary pen on the paper that has aIready turned yeIIow.


For more infomation >> Andrzej Munk - Blekitny krzyz 1955 (POL) VOS (Los hombres de la cruz azul) - Duration: 55:44.


Episodio #1122 Medicamentos que causan diabetes - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Episodio #1122 Medicamentos que causan diabetes - Duration: 6:54.


Iemanjá Festival - Duration: 0:56.

Iemanjá Festival

Today I want to talk about a curiosity regarding

Iemanjá Festival that is the date when it happens.

In each region of the country the Festival takes place

in a different moment.

This happens because the orixá was syncretized

with different versions of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Along the coast of São Pualo, for example, the festival

takes place in December, because the syncretism

happened with Nossa Senhora da Conceição.

In Bahia, which is one of the best-known festivals,

the syncretism was with Nossa Senhora das Candeias.

And In Rio Grande do Sul, with Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes.

These two festivals take place on February 2nd

Regardless of the date when the festival is held,

it is a very beautiful celebration.

It is worth checking out.

Take a look at my wesite

So you can know some more.

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