We are here with Jorge, the captain of Pirañas´ team from Valladolid.
And we have some questions
There is some match or tournament that has left you with the desire?
No, I think that we all have do what was foreseen, some of them we went with intention of win,
and others with intention of learning and in each one of them we have got what we were searching from that tournament.
Did you chose your position or it did chose you?
Rather was the second thing, when I started there was few goalkeepers and they say me:
"you, on the goal" and throughout this years I hadn´t changed.
And, is there someone of your team that you would like mention or highlight for some characteristic or something?
First, Diego who is the Coach, he do a lot of work in the workout and organising a lot of things
and second, to the girls in general because this year we have a lot,
in all the tournaments they go all out, they always play matches with the boys
they work hard and they finish playing much more than the boys, and working harder.
Well, the last question is more related with the friendship into the team.
The relation into your team is great?
And do you do any activity outside the team related to meet or some activity like paintball or something alike?
Yes, we try to have some activity every month,
we have Andrea and Dani, they are the managers to move it and all the months we have some activity
like a lunch or activities like you have mentioned or anything.
Well, thank you very much for giving us the interview.
We are going to interview Valen, who is the captain of Pirañas´ female team.
How much time ago did you start playing?
Since four or five years approximately
How many years have the older and the younger person in your team?
Well Santos, approximately fifty and few ones, I think
and the teenagers that had started now have between 15 or 16 years
And the last one, what you would improve into the water at level both personal and team?
Into de water?
Into the water individually that each one train better, that is motivated in his home
and that some people came more eager than now, individually
and collectivelyyyyyy
collectively we are really good, I mean incredible
We are a bit lacking of comunication
but it is it because there is a lot of new people, and for this lacks communication
but with time we can make it and perfectly.
Well, thank you Valen
We are here with Andres, who is the captain of the Colombian team
that has come to Valladolid to play, of Ecomares. And we wanted to ask you,
How is it like captain to lead such a varied team of people?
Well, we appreciate the opportunity because we only came two Colombians
and you have completed our team, but very happy.
First, to return to greet the companions of piranhas, who I knew from Berlin three years ago
and well, because it I know in which position plays each player
and with this i can organize a little how to defence in the water.
also taking into account the conditions of the pool that you know better than us
It has been a very good experience
Is the vision of this sport very different in your country? Is there more teams? Is there more known?
Well, the advantage is that there it has a longer trajectory,
So, if we're roughly 600 people practicing it in the country, there're a lot of clubs
the number of adepts of the discipline some times goes up and some times goes down,
but we have been worrying of massifying it
each club has its "seedbeds" to increase the number of practitioners
and well, there are scenarios that allow that the public can see it through windows
go looking for also support of the state
Thank you
the relationship in your team among the the players is good?
Are you going to take something or do activities related to leisure after the matches or the workout?
In my club, ecomares, the vision is like a family
we carry out activities mainly on weekends,
there are seasons in which there are activities of leisure, exits to farms of recreation or something,
but there is much union
That's fine
how do you see this tournament in terms of organization, depth of pool and mixed teams, etc?
Nah, It's very cool organize, and also meet here in London
the Osos of Madrid, As I told you, back to greet you, Pirañas,
to see how you have grown as a club is very interesting and gratifying
also the space is cool
this is how we started in some cities of Colombia too, with shallow pools
and the sport was growing. Everything very well.
Well, thank you very much for answering our questions and for coming.
We're with David, a player from Colombia, Ecomares (In reality he is from Orcas)
and we're going to ask him some questions
Has it been difficult to come to Valladolid or the transport from Madrid to Valladolid?
Not as difficult as tired.
Because yesterday I was in Berlin and all my friends are there. I am from Orcas
all my team is there, I trained with them and it was hard decision, but here I am
I take a flight and from the airport by bus to here
What do you think of this tournament in terms of organization, depth of the pool
which I suppose it's different depending on the place and above all the teams mixed?
The organization seems super cool, that is very well organized and everything very well propound
In terms of pool, it lacks depth.
As for your team, Does everyone get along with everyone? Either in the team of Colombia (Ecomares) or in Orcas, which you want
I don't know if you play there in Ecomares
and everyon get along well, is it a family or more team and then each one by their side?
you mean ...
if you meet after the training and do things together or if it's the team on one side and on the other everyone do his life apart?
I think that the technique, regardless of which team it is
is to be like a big family, so when they are beating your friend, that hurts you and so you help him
That was one of our the bases to reach the third place in the European open now.
In terms of your position, did you choose it or it choose you?
They chose the position for me, because I basically do any position.
Thank you for answering our questions
We are going to interview Patricia, she is from Osos and well,
what have been your feeling in general about the tournament, about people from other countries and mixtures of teams?
I think that it was been very well because usually only play people from Spain or Europe
this time have been with people from outside Europe, with Ecomares
and in addition play everybody mixed it have been very good, especially for the more news,
because we learning a lot, you learn from other teams that aren't yours, with people form more level
less level and I think that it is very interesting.
Who is the older person, hoy many years have he, and the younger in your team?
Well we have a range very wide,
I can´t tell you exactly how many years have the older person because I don´t know,
but approximately fifty and few ones and the younger person have 23.
And finally, what is your position? Do you have only one or you change?
Well, I'm forward, because I had started recently
but I'm introducing gradually in the defender position,
in fact, in the today's team I´m played as defender.
But well, this is something that I'm trying gradually.
Well, thank you very much.
What do you think about this tournament?
I think that it´s very good, it had been a good opportunity to train,
we have like it very much because we usually play only with Osos and we think that is very well organized.
Do you some activity out of water?
Yes, in fact, the best of our team is the third time, we always go to do something.
Is good your relationship in the team?
A lot, we have a very good relation, we have a very diverse team,
we have a lot of girls and well, we need new people, you know, young people.
In how many tournaments have you participated in this year?
We had participated in all the stops of trinations league, that it had been one in February in Zurich and other in June in Barcelona.
We are with Lorraine, the only girl who plays with Pure, London.
Doing that you must be a rude woman.
Certainly it´s a hard work, but I like to feel that I carry my own,
and I´m representing the girls
OK, that's wonderful, how do you feel about this championship, and the depth of the pool?
It's different, It´s quite crowded,
we used to play with a few metres more
so it feels like there's a little more space,
some ways it's easier, you don't have to swim miles to get the bottom
but yeah, I think it's more frantic.
How is the relationship of your team outside of the water?
You know, do you go to a pub or something like that?
Always after training, we are sociable and that is really really important because it´s a team sport
and I think that is as important as the training you do in the pool.
Thank you very much
Thank you!
How had you saw this championship, all the teams playing together and that stuff?
I think it´s absolutely excellent, bringing all the countries together, bringing all the teams together. It´s like a family here,
you know we have friends from every team, and it´s great seeing everybody again.
It was too difficult to arrive Valladolid?
No, no, it was OK we flew to Madrid last night and then we drove here last night,
it was easy, and we are staying two minutes down the road so very easy to get.
And what things would you improve from your team or from you personally?
From my team I think that we just need more competitions, this is only our third year, so we´re still in the competition front,
we have lot of tactics to learn, and personally I think that we just need to improve the fitness, you know?
Thank you very much, that was the interview to the captain of Pure, London
Thanking FECLAS for all the support that it has given us and well, let´s start with the questions.
How it´s been for FECLAS the organization of this event, in the sense of it is have been like others in that it can help?
Well, we must be recognise that all the merit is for you because the organization of this event is yours.
Always in combination with Álvaro we know how these things go
and we provide help in all that you need, like technical equipment or
diving material, but de merit is yours. You are the artists in this topic.
Thank you so much. What is the opinion about this sport?
Is a very peculiar sport, the truth is that people have not much idea from it,
is called their attention seeing swimmers throw to the bottom of the swimming pool to search a ball so small.
I think that is a sport very hard and very picky, in addition you are in an important level,
no only in a national level, but outside Spain, because it is clear that I think that you have,
we are going to continue supporting you because is important both for you and the federation
and to seeing if we give him more expectation in this aspect,
because you grow each year more. It's incredible.
And guys, what do you think about this sport?
I love it
i love sinking.
What is the opinion of rugby in Spain?
UWR level Spain
Well according to Álvaro tell us, which i sprincipal reference that we have,
that always you have some problems to organize things for the pools, the deep of the swimming pools, etc
and well, you are in the highest level and is evident that the support must be the maximum
and that in Spain grows up a little the sport.
How does the rugby see in the FECLAS and is better the view of the rugby both national and international?
It´s true that lately this sports type under water rugby or other existing modalities
We are trying to give them more support, there are technical committees and deportive committees in the federation
Evidently after seeing the successes that they have had, so well, we are trying to give more support
I think, that each year more, in the last meeting we discuss about this type of sports
And well, the Spanish federation follow this path and we from Castilla y León
from our humble contribution we will done all the possible for that this continues growing, above all,
having athletes from high-level like we have here, that is a pity that it isn't more known
but well, we know that you have a very high level
and we must give you all the support that you need.
Thank you very much.
We are going to interview the vice-president of the federation of under water activities from Castilla y León.
We want to thank you for visit us and for support our sport,
because it is unusual, isn't too much seeing here in Spain, then,
what do you think about the organization of the tournament, the teams and all?
First, thank us for the interest that you put on this sport that is very beautiful,
the pity is that we can´t celebrate more and the pity is the distance between cities to came here,
well, I continue, I don´t continue, but I push you to continue doing this sport
and I wish there more young people to enjoy this beautiful sport.
And well, what do you think about the public? We've a lot of fans here today
For me, it have been a great satisfaction to see too much people
because above all, at the beginning, when we come there were very few people
and I have seen that along the day many people have come and in this moment there is a lot of people here.
It's something that I´m delighted and is signal that you are doing this very well.
Well, thank you very much, that is all.
We are going to interview all the new piranhas,
that have started more or less in the last year.
What is what more you like of your team outside the water?
Well, there are a lot of partnership,
the veterans if we have any doubt they explain us without any problem and this is great, you know.
How you have seen this tournament? As the organization, the swimming pool, the mixed teams…
The organization is great, each one know what must do, the schedule is being followed exactly
and I think that everybody know their place and they are well placed,
About the depth of the pool, I can't tell you so much because this is my first tournament…
according to what they have said to me is very shallow for what it should be in reality
and the mixed teams nice because is another way to talk English for example
in this tournament we have people form London, you can practise another language,
you must be according with another people with which you have never played, so that´s fine.
How many time ago have you started to play to this sport?
Well, I´m the newbie less newbie,
I´ve been playing roughly 10 months, but playing decent one or anyone.
There´s someone in your team, an older person or a veteran that has inspired you or who you want highlight?
Well the truth I would highlight so much people that almost all the team.
Above all the girls, the most veterans, Andrea, Laura, Valentina…
they help us a lot everyone and they make feel you a part of the team and well obviously Diego
because I´m in the team for him and I think that for this I´ll be grateful always
and ALL my mentors on goal, above all Alberto Velázquez
cause he have a lot of patience like Jorge, they don´t care drowning a little for teach me.
Chose you your position or it chose you?
Well, I came in and because in that moment were needed forwards I started to train like forward,
but when began to came more people, they were assigning you as forward
because is true that the last to arrive are much faster,
well the most newbies of all, because I started after Rocío, they put me as defender,
So they chose it for me, but the true is that I appreciate that
because I like more the defender position right now.
What would you improve into the water both in personal and team level?
Well individually take off a little the afraid to have the ball and see that everyone come to me
and in the team level, I don´t know, because the truth is that I´m like home playing into the water,
I´m very accompanied and I really appreciate it,
so in this case, I can´t say nothing that should be improve,
I think that should be many things to improve but I´m a newbie and I don't know.
Well Luisa, what do you think about you captains?
Well, the truth is that when I started in the team I was surprised
because I had played in other team sports
and I hadn't felt so well received like here and the truth is that both have received me a lot
like all the team, they support and teach me if I do something wrong
and if I do something well they tell me too,
I´m happy to have they as captains
And then, what is your finally objective to train with Pirañas or what you want to get in the team?
Well, I do the defender position I would like become a good defender
and is a position that I love although the action can't be so concentrated in this position,
like someone think, the action can be more concentrated in the forwards.
I love play like defender because I feel that is a role very important here next to the goal
and you must help the goalkeeper,
and in Pirañas, our team, there are very good defenders and I can learn a lot all the days.
Do you chose your position or it chose you?
No, the position came to me, Diego, the coach say that I'm going to be forward
and I continue here, I have proved as defender someday but at the moment I continue as forward.
I´m starting, and well, I don´t know if someday I will continue or if they change me but at the moment I'm forward.
And how do you feel this tournament, the organization, the swimming pool, and the mixed teams…?
Well, the truth is that the organization very good, we all have collaborated in it and the truth is that is going very well,
The schedule is being fulfilled and I think that everything is working more or less good
and well, the truth is that I see it good, I don´t know.
Well in this team we have a very curious situation and is that your coach is also your family.
How do you feel about this? Is the same situation in home or he treats you different to the rest or how?
No, I think that he treats like everyone,
because one thing is be training with the rest of the team and other thing is out of the water.
We are going to interview Merce, she is a member of the public and
also she has helped Pirañas team a lot and in the event organization,
so, let´s start with the questions:
How did you get to know this sport?
well, I have known the sport through Jose Manuel, he plays in the team and he is my partner.
Have you ever played?
I tried it once, but it seems very difficult to me, so only once, but I would like to.
Well, you have to get used to it.
Does it seem interesting to you to watch a match from the outside?
Well, interesting not really as you can´t see it well,
because they are playing under the water it isn't easy to see it and although they are with cameras…
practically you can´t see. It will be interesting to play it.
And what do you like most about this sport?
I don´t know, the team in general, they are very nice people,
they know many foreign teams, they travel a lot, it seems pleasant to me.
Well, thank you so much Merce
We are going to interview some members of the public to see what they think of this sport.
How did you know this game?
We knew about it because we have one friend who plays in Pirañas´ team, her name is Esther
and in May she came to our village, Santa María de Páramos saying that she had signed for a test
in one team and that she was going to play under water rugby.
We didn´t know this sport, we had never heard of it, but well, we are here,
to see if they win.
Cheering, cheering!
Have you ever played?
No, I have never played this sport, in fact I didn´t know it at all,
As my friend said, we know about it thanks to Esther, she plays in Valladolid´s team
and we are here to see if we like it. Maybe who knows, perhaps we'll try it!
Do you think that is interesting to watch a match?
Yes, the truth is that we had never seen anything like this before, because we come from Leon
and there, people don´t practise this sport and what we have seen until now, we have liked a lot.
We miss maybe the under water part because we can´t see all that they do under water.
But yes, they work very hard, a lot of hits with the fins, I think.
Interesting, yeah
And finally, what do you like most about this sport?
I like the capacity of fight, of sacrifice that this sport has,
that it seems in this capacity of fight is similar to rugby on land
and It's more difficult in the water and well, it's incredible the spirit with it is lived.
Who plays in the team that you know?
Who else?
And Montse!
Montse, Lauri…
Do you know Lauri too?
Lauri, Santos…
And Lauri treats you very well, yes?
Are you going to play this game when you grow up?
And you?
And what are you going to do? The positions of your parents?
Are you going to be as good as them? Because your parents are both very good.
I do!
And you?
Okay guys, so you really like rugby right?
Well, when you are older here, we are waiting for you.
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