Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 3 2018

breaking news today

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Euro fighter jets available for NATO action shock report reveals Germany has

just four usable Euro fighter jets available for NATO action out of a fleet

of 128 according to a shocked report today dot respected magazine Spiegel

said that coolant leaks in the fighters sensor system which detects enemy

aircraft or incoming missiles have grounded all but a handful of the

advanced warplanes it means Germany is falling far short of its obligations to

the NATO alliance and would be unable to intercept or repel a large-scale

incursion of its airspace Spiegel reported that technicians were able to

replace the defective sensor pods on the wings but the spare part necessary to

seal the cooling circuit is no longer available because the manufacturer has

been sold and no longer producing it German military officials hoped that the

jinxed euro fighters many bugs would be ironed out after a disastrous report

last year showed just 39 out of 128 were ready for action now that figure has

shrunk to just four partly because Germany also has a chronic shortage of

the missiles needed to make the aircraft fully combat operation 'el the post

Second World War German armed forces have long been considered a joke among

NATO allies years of defense cuts combined with a national disdain for

marshal Affairs because of its drastic experiences in two world wars have led

to the parlous state of its Army Navy and Air Force a 2014 report by external

auditors KPMG engineering firm p3 and law firm Taylor Wesson detailed 140

problems and risks for the military dot NATO chiefs laugh at Germany as being

they disarmed services of the Alliance one Parliamentary critic allegedly said

of his nation's armed forces we're practicing disarmament through wear and

tear Germany has significantly increased its defence budgets in recent years but

at a predicted 1.3 percent of GDP predicted for the forces this year it

still falls far short of the 2% called for by NATO

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For more infomation >> Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 Germany has just FOUR Eurofighter jets available for Nato action - Duration: 2:19.


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