Taglang La, again, 5328 meters high
We did it!!! Second (highest) in the world
I have my hands cold
F****!!! There has to be always someone sticking a sticker
Jomari Goyso responde de frente si fue víctima de abuso sexual - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Los jóvenes soñadores buscan la extensión de DACA | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
Punto de abanicos calados muy fácil y rápido - Duration: 16:20.
hi how about how are you Majovel welcome to the channel today is Wednesday and
like every Wednesday in gallery points that I teach to do this point
this beautiful fan point that very pierced but it is very beautiful and very simple
look how pretty it looks for a blouse for a shawl for a
for a scarf for a little blanket summer for baby good for what
you and days that you have many ideas and I'm sure I'll use it
jce great because nothing is very facilitated
As always, I say thank you very much to see me and to follow me and that I wait for you
on Sunday with another tutorial until Sunday
I'm going to do the sample of this point with the west that I always use the
mark bay and with a crochet number 3
tell you that the point is a multiple of 12 then we will start
with six chains 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 and now we count back 4 1 2 3 and 4
we entered and a point down again 1 2 3 4 5 and 6
we count 1 2 3 and in the fourth point down
1 2 3 4 5 and 6 1 2 3 and in the room low 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 and in the
fourth low point and so let's do it as long as we want
when we already have how long we want chain
and I ended up with 4 chain points now the next round we make a
chain and in this fourth point we're going to make a low point
at the first chain point we will take
and we're going to do a fan here
and we start catch for the strand for make a bar
but we are going to do it in three times 1 2 and 3 we are going to extend it a little more
you can do it if you want in double vareta also
of varetas means catching twice you see strand of thread and going in and doing
one or two
it gets a little longer you see the difference
that's why I've done it like this in three times a normal aretha in three
times because it is not usually so fat so fat is not for nothing in particular
but that you if you like more in Double crochet and you feel more comfortable
you can do the same now once we have the first vareta we will make 3 chains 2 and
3 we will go through
and we will make a point down again we will go back
we will do 1 2 and 3 three chains
and we go through and point down again we go back in
three chains
and we cross here up point down 4 the fourth
three chains dot picot
we already have 4 5
the three chains
and 6 we have to have six doubles varetas
behind and we finish here the fan
you see now we hooked here in the next
peak that we have done with a low point and we jump to the next peak
and we're going to make another fan again I repeat it again so that you
you see well a double vareta
double crochet that is a double crochet as well
low three chains low point of new other
2 2 and 3
low point
2. 3
three chains and point down
3 point below and the sixth
2. 3 down point chains
and we jump to the next we make a point below we hook it
there and now in the next we do what same and the sequence we will do until the
finish the round and we will finish the round
with a low point here in the last point
the next turn we are going to hook let's make the chains to hook
then in the following the fans then we will do 1 2 3 4 5 and 6
we will do the same as the first round we will count 4
point down 1 2 and 3 we will jump here to the third peak
of the fan point down
2 and 3 3 chains we jump to the next peak and hook
now we come back again to the 6 chains 2 3 4 5 and 6
we count the four chain points backward
point down 1 2 and 3 chains
and we jump here to the 3rd peak of the next fan point down
three chains
low point
again six other chains two three four five six we will count four
backward and we will do
point under three other chains and we jump
to the third peak of a fan and so we will work among other 3
chains we jump to the next peak and again we will do all six
2 3 4 5 and 6
and we will enter the fourth point below 2 and 3
we will make a low point in the third peak three chains
and in the next point below we will finish the round with 6 always
these turns we will finish them the same in this round in
the second
with 3 4 5 and 6
we will enter the room we will point down and with a
It is double hooked here in the beginning when
let's have the full fans we will make the second round we will finish
same now in the third we will enter here in
in the peak that we have created you see in sections 1 2 3 and 4 chains
and we're going to make half a fan
we will make a bar three chains
The next 2
three chains
and 3
2 and 3
now we jump here where we have
the three chains that we have made between peak and peak and here we are going to knit
down again we go back again
and we do a fan
with their 6 varetas their respective 3 chains
As you can see, the point is very easy
the only thing to be careful if we make this rod is not to be confused
what you can is very easy
and the last one
and we already jump here and point down and this sequence we do it until the end of the
return we will finish the return as we have
started with half fan
of 4 brands
and four the fourth we do not spike
now the next turn let's do when we finish with the
half fan the next round let's go to start the same always with 3 chains
and in the next peak point down now we will return again to do it
of the six chains four five or six and in the room
1 2 and 3 and we will jump 12 to the third peak
three chains and the next
and we will repeat all this sequence
until the end of the turn and we will end the same always when
let's finish we have here the middle fan
we will do here in this third peak
the low point 3 chains how have we started
and a small dot and now the next next round
it will be the same as lap number 1 we'll start by entering here at 3
chains we have made we will do the point under a chain
we make here in low point and already here we started making the fan
in the next we will hook here fan we hook fan we hook
we fan and hooked and then it will be what we have done in round number two
and so on we will intersperse although it seems to you that it stays that way
because again we made a point too I told you, do not worry about it
it looks good then it looks very straight and very well what happens is that as it leads
is so quiet because it's a point to my draft is sometimes
those that remain on one side a peak and on the other hand to another but you do so the
you crush a little and it remains divine then nothing I hope you liked
thank you very much for seeing me thank you very much for following me and I wait for you on Sunday with
another tutorial until Sunday
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