Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 1 2018

This month Illustration/FanArt is based on a classic Sega Genesis game...

Altered Beast

As usual the Illustration process starts with a Thumbnail drawing

My thumbnails are usually made on my sketchbook while I'm away of the computer

Since the beginning I knew how the Composition for this one would look like

A Centered, almost symetrical drawing with the char in the middle and the animals around

Maybe it was my subconsicous trying to replicate the Greek Architeture

Which was a theme for the Game and this piece

With the basic composition done, I started to sketch the elements: starting with the Man

I struggle a bit to find a good standing pose

It has to look strong, but not totaly symmetrical

Here´s on a second attempt. Now with more emphasis on the pose Gesture

Think Gesture as a Rhitmic line crossing the body

In this case an Arc coming from the upward hand to the opposite foot

Here's an important note: the first pose is 'flat' because everything is on two axis only (X,Y)

The 3D effect came from pushing/overlapping parts, so more of the Z axis (depht) is used

Now to a third attempt, trying to use the ideas of the previous studies

At this point I was looking at a Photo reference to understand how the arm/trapezius works

Almost done. But see how the figure looks like is about to fall

To fix that, you draw an imaginery vertical line, head to ground

The more centered to the both feets, the 'grounded' the figure on the ground

This stage is done, let's move to the Layout on Clip Studio Paint

To start on the Layout stage I blew up the thumbnail to the size of the final canvas

Basically I'll draw all over again - each pass refining the shapes, pose, anatomy even more

There´s this wrong idea that 'Good' Artist have to nail down everything togheter

This can be done. But it came with Experience and drawing mileage...a lot of them.

To break down the piece in different stages is what I can do

I try to do my best on each stage, so the piece holds up in the end. Architeture ideas again. :-)

A 1 point perspective grid to place the background

A bit curved. Technically I'm not sure how it´s done, just trying to make the shot less boring

Note how I'm using the Symmetry feature to draw the scene

tsc, tsc, tsc lazy Dado! ;-)

If you beated Altered Beast you'll know that the true plot of the game is a...

Theather Piece !?

Because of that I ended up using this Frame as part of the Illustration. To look like a 'Poster'.

And why the Bull ???

The White Bull was one of the Animals/Symbols to represent the greek God Zeus

My idea was to use the Weaker form of the Man/Centurion

But I thought: well, if he´s going to catch the Power Orb and the Creatures are floating around

Would make more sense to have him the Bulky form already - a step below the final Mutation

Sad that I lost the footage of me drawing him Bulky. :(

Now into the Animals (Wolf, Bear, Tiger, Dragon and Golden Wolf)

I kept this footage just to show how you don´t need to be worried about nail on the first try

I had to change/iterate the drawing of the creatures a lot to make it look cool/agressive

The Tiger being the harder: by Zeus how I struggle to get the 'likeness' right on this

Bear was challenging too. I never saw a Bear in real life...and I'm thankfull for that. :-P

The Tip here is to use Construction lines everytime you´e having problem

If you try to copy the countorn lines only your drawing will lack solidity/form

Heres me trying to project myself on the creature: chin beard or not. Hmmmm...

The Golden Wolf was the only I did not use references. I just tried to draw it Cool/Angry

So in the end you'll notice how this one is the most 'cartoony' of the five. That´s fine!

I love Inking digitally

My Brush here is a variant of the default Inking brush, a bit more light on Pen Pressure

This gave me a bigger variety of Line weights

The only downside in Inking digitally is that you can lost a lot of time trying to fix curves/weights

To counterbalance that I try to make my inks more expressive (think to thick) than normal.

Ahhh...the Golden Wolf. Loved this guy.

One of my Goals is to be able to ink without too much underdrawing to support me

I'm impressed by how some Artist can design his final lines over a simple, raw, sketch

Almost done here...let's finally show how I inked the Centurion

A technique I'm trying to put more on my drawings is to have Line Weights...

...inside the same segment of line.

To do this I use pressure on/off while drawing a line. Try not to make all the same thickness.

Another important note is how I keep my dark/black spots subtle.

My darkest shadows would be added on the next stage.

The face. So easy to screw up a drawing on this part

That´ why I inked this lastly. I needed to warm up first.

At this point the Centurion had boots. This is how Artist liked to portrait Heros in the 90´s

But the more I admire the Art on this period, It will look very strange for nowadays audience...

Man in stereoids and underwear = OK!

Man in boots = Can´t Happen!


A little fix on the Anatomy

The Red notes marks where I did spot some errors to be fixed

It´s important to take breaks (hour, day) so you can see your art with fresh/rested eyes

Using the Mesh Deformation tool to re-position the Arm (Ctrl+Shift+T) on Clip Studio Paint

Removing the Boots

And giving the Centurion some Sandals

As the Footwear, the Centurion had to change his underwear. Something more 'realistic'

I'm cool changing the original design, but not drastically and/or it´s iconic elements...

Like giving the Man beard and a manbun, just for the sake of Fashion. ;-X

Ohhh the Tiger

I wasn´t feeling it. So I started again, from the Construction stage

This time it turned out much better. Felines has larger faces, specially because of the side fur

Inking the Tiger again. No problem since it´s benefitial for the whole piece

And then the Bear started to get angry: Heyy! Fix my Dorky face too...

Construction lines saved me from the Angry Bear.. Take that DiCaprio!

I nailed the Bear likeness when I realize how small is their face compared to their head

With that, Inking is done. Let's move to the next stage.

For more infomation >> Rise from your Grave! Drawing Altered Beast - Duration: 30:19.


La tormenta tropical Rosa trae mucha lluvia en el noroeste de México | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> La tormenta tropical Rosa trae mucha lluvia en el noroeste de México | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.


"I'd rather die than having him around me!" | #Elif766 - Opening Scene - Duration: 1:38.

What are you doing here?

Mrs. Hümeyra, I'm here, because Mr. Kerem has invited me.

- Kerem, what is this? What does that mean? - Hold on a second.

- Do you know each other? - Sort of.

It's more accurate to say we're running into each other in the morning jogs.

Well this is a surprise for me, at least when I heard it.

I wasn't expecting such a meeting. I've already begun the duty, but I didn't know it.

Is this the bodyguard you've been telling for days?

No way.

I'd rather die than getting him closer than five meters.

Five meters, huh?

Five meters isn't that bad. Adequate distance.

Well, you're surprised too, I guess.

You're right. I didn't get it, what's going on?

Why did my sister react after seeing you, Levent?

As I've told you, we were running into each other at morning jogs.

But of course, I didn't know that Mrs. Hümeyra is your sister.

What went down there? Anything unpleasant?

Well, partially. In fact...

...a guy was harassing Mrs. Hümeyra.

And I just ended this harassment, just to guard.

But Mrs. Hümeyra didn't like it, at all.

For more infomation >> "I'd rather die than having him around me!" | #Elif766 - Opening Scene - Duration: 1:38.


Las Vegas rinde homenaje a las víctimas del tiroteo masivo de hace un año| Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Las Vegas rinde homenaje a las víctimas del tiroteo masivo de hace un año| Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.


Emisión en directo de Sociedad de Estudiantes de Ingeniería UACM CL - Duration: 1:59:58.

For more infomation >> Emisión en directo de Sociedad de Estudiantes de Ingeniería UACM CL - Duration: 1:59:58.


Alto Asalto - Caixa de cristal (VIDEOCLIP) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Alto Asalto - Caixa de cristal (VIDEOCLIP) - Duration: 4:07.


Deepening the entry masks with the field Date of birth and Telephone of the Database - Duration: 18:13.

Hello again Infonauta, welcome or welcome to a new installment of your YouTube channel Infoductiva ...

this time we will continue with the course of databases

and in this particular video we are going to delve

in the input masks

interesting, right?

We begin ...

good first

I'm going to focus on the table students

I'm going to start


all the field of date of birth ...

for this I will fill in a fourth student in this case

Julia ...



and then at the time of writing the date of birth notice that here we have the date box ... remember that this is

as a selector to be able to select a date

next to which we are

in the current day

since if this is going to help me to put a date of birth it does not make sense for us to use

this selector since we would have to leave until the year in question, go backwards during

enough pulsations ... in short this is interesting stop when we have to put a date close

to the creation date for example

from the student


first issue to consider

with the entrance masks ... the entrance masks

we only have to use them in case we have clear the fixed mold to be used at the time of entering data if it is not so

let's say that field in question in which you are you thinking

he is not a suitable candidate

to be able to add input mask ... second

the entrance masks

do not support, for example, the fact that you have this date selector enabled

so that having these two limitations clear

what I'm going to do is go to the design

from the table in question, to the design

from the students table

and what I'm going to do is in the date field

turn off the display

of this selector

for this I am going to put a date already ... observe that when entering I can write letters

which should not be like that ... I can enter scripts ... okay?

Take this into account for what we are going to do next and I am going to put you on the date of birth because on the 20th, for example

of the deck

of the year 2010 so that it has the same age as the rest of companions

in the selector

I will select female

in the hair color I will select


in the color of eyes I will select


and street ...

my street ...


and I will leave the data by default and then observe in the case of

the phone as you see does not let me enter

nothing more than

agreement numbers?

and how do you see me represented with underscores

what we would have to introduce ... well in principle I'm going to put a

fictional phone

let's go back


926 444 444 ... well, I already have introduced

the new student ... the new student

Julia ... well ...

let's go to the design of the table ... we will select the date of birth ...

and in the sub options remember that we have here

the option to show the date selector of so that

I will never select

agree? then I will close ... I will save the changes

I'm going to open the table again

So you can see that the selection selector does not appear when the date is selected?

I'm going back to design

of Table and then we will focus on the input mask for the date of birth of the student

in principle, he should only

allow to write numbers well? in the input masks for the direct input of numbers

There are two characters ... okay? At first

we can

use the 9 for example




it would be an optional entry mask

remember I'm doing it with the same mold of the date format that we have ... like

we have selected short date remember that the short date are two digits for the day

/ two digits for

the month / four digits for the agreed year?

then as I was saying the entrance mask the 9 in the entrance mask mean

have to enter for each 9 a digit or a number from 0 to 9


all right? that is, the user can write a digit or for every 9 that there is but does not require him to enter

in this case the 8 digits ... in agreement? so this would not be the most appropriate ...

let's check how it works

let's open the table students

and then I will delete March 20, 2010

and now I can put 20

I'm going to put for example just a 3 here

and of 2010

I pulse enter and as you see you have entered it but you have accepted me to introduce only and exclusively

one digit when I said that they are 2 since this is optional ... remember the 9

in the input masks is optional digit entry ... digit I mean numbers from 0 to 9

well, if we want it to be mandatory to have to introduce

these eight digits basically instead of using

the character 9 we should use the character 0 ie





all right? by doing so we are forcing

let's close and say yes

I'm going to open the table again

and I'm going to erase it again

this birth date of March 20

and then I will put 20, I will try to move, I will put a 3 and I will put 2010 by pressing enter as you see

He is giving me an error, he is telling me that I am not respecting the entrance mask

So with this you already have to be clear that every time you use a 9 in the input mask

is that you optionally allow the user to enter a number from 0 to 9

but we do use the character 0 we are

asking that it be mandatory

your fill then I will reselect it

and now when you enter 20 03 2010 and press enter I accept it perfectly


next I will go back to the design of the table

to clarify

already more in depth than

the entrance masks actually

When we introduce an input mask, the input masks must have

three separate parts

with semicolons (;) as is usual in Excel and Access also in other languages

but basically what I mean is that with this I'm defining the input mask

but there are other things that can be defined

for example

the 2nd paragraph after the (;) would be the one that allows me to indicate

if you have to store all the data or just those we have written

all right?

so here we only have the possibility to indicate it by means of a zero or a one ... if after the (;) that is to say in the second section

we enter a zero in the input mask this indicates that the characters of the mask will be stored with the data ie the

bars or any sign we would have written as constant, okay? in this case as

they are all of them, not only the 8 that we write but the two bars (/)

that is to say the ten characters, we want them to be stored here we would have to put after the (;) a zero

agree? below (;) because there is a third section

and you have already observed


we are introducing

the date actually

what we find

is that they appear at the bottom

underscores (_)

lines in the base of the characters that we are writing

if we wanted to change that character because that underline character is used by default, so we would have to

to do is after the second (;) that is, in the third section

introduce what character we want us to use in this case, for example

the script of agreement?

how do you see the first section

that is, until you reach the first (;)

we are defining the input mask after the first (;) or between the first and the second a zero means that the

characters that we have not introduced but that are in the mask

and after the second and last (;)

we put the character we want to appear

symbolizing that we must fill in ... in agreement?

press enter ... let's go to visualize ... let's save the table

and then when ...

we are going to erase this ... how do you see when you enter now the input mask is reflecting me

the characters that I have to fill out

with scripts so that we could write again the same

all right?

suppose we want to change them for a slightly more distinctive character, for example, use the (*) and we will put here

an asterisk ... press enter ... we return to visualize the table after saving it

and then I delete a date

observe that an asterisk appears for each character that I am asking

So this is not just for numbers remember that the masks are made up of three parts that allow us to select

or define what we want to be the characters that symbolize

the one that we have to introduce

a character in that position

and in this video you have to be clear that we are using

in the input mask or 9 or 0 ... if we use 9 it means that

are optional characters that the user will enter, that is, if you do not want to, you do not have to enter all of them

but if we put zeros we are forcing it to be exactly that amount

of numeric characters entered ... okay?

Well, we have already clarified this, I will initially leave it with a script instead of with an asterisk

and then we can look

the phone number ... in the phone number remember that we did

with 9 so that now with what we know

this tells us or you have to say that we are asking the user to enter nine

optional figures

so if I enter 4 the database would accept it

agree? if I introduce less

of which we are indicating here and we have said

or we said in his day that there was a space

after each block of three, to separate it as traditionally is usually done here

well, let's check that this is how we just talked

so that for example in the phone number of any student

if we delete the phone number here

we could enter 926 and give it to enter and we would have accepted it ... I'm going to expand it so that

you see it in full as you see and this is not a valid phone number so that

the entrance mask is not doing its full function and on the other hand

the underscores (_)

or the underline symbol indicates the three blocks of three that must be entered

good with what we already know

we will go

let's enter a new phone number because otherwise it does not comply ... here ... and then we will go

to the design of the table

we leave it as it is but in the entrance mask with what we already know we could say

to be mandatory the introduction of the nine-digit agreement?

we could say 000 would be mandatory script (-) because I want there to be a specific sign that in this case we do not want to save

000 - 000

agree? then;

and in this case I do not want to save

the data the scripts are saved so that so

in the second part of the input mask we should not use a 0

since this would do as in the previous case

save me those signs that I am using as constants so that here as is logical we will have to put 1

below (;) again

and the sign that we want to be used

as a fill-in selector

in this case for example I'm going to put the asterisk (*) again pulse enter

and then

let's see the table ... we will select the phone of the student Julia and we will delete it ... as you see here

the asterisks appear indicating that I have to enter nine digits

and among them the script ... the script remembers

we do not want it to be part of the mask that Reality is saved

basically just the number, so here we are going to fill in again 926 if I pulse

enter gives me an error because it tells me hey it does not match the mask that you've

indicated, the one you have specified so that what you intend to enter

does not comply with that data entry rule well?

clarified this we will continue to write the phone number

and press enter ... really inside the database

having put the 1 in the 2nd paragraph of the mask is not keeping me

the 11 digits, that is, the nine digits and the two dashes, not ...

If so, would it give us an error because? because this field we have defined as a number and a script as well you know is not part of that type of data

so in the 2nd section we have put a 1 so that only 926 keeps us

444 444 according? this information is very important and in future videos I will continue

deepening with the input masks since apart from having these two characters

to be able to enter

number ... digits from 0 to 9 both optionally

which are the movements, as in a mandatory way that are the zeros in the entrance mask we are

with that there are 10 or 12 more signs that we can use within the entrance mask not only these two and we will see them in future videos ...

Well that's it...

thank you very much for sharing my videos on your social networks ...

thanks for subscribing and for activating the notification bell ... thank you very much for your comments and for your Likes ... see you

in a new installment of your YouTube channel Infoductiva ... See you soon Infonaut ...

For more infomation >> Deepening the entry masks with the field Date of birth and Telephone of the Database - Duration: 18:13.


#55 - The Roman aqueduct of Peña Cortada - Duration: 7:23.

Hi Everybody. Today we came to

the Roman aqueduct of Peñacortada.

I hope you like it

The Roman aqueduct of Peña Cortada, with

more than 26 kms long, is the fourth longer

in Spain. It's name is because of the breach done

in a rock to get material for the construction of one

of the bridges. Other parts of the aqueduct are

tunnels dug in the rocks.

This is Peña Cortada (cut rock)

and this is the bridge of the cat's cave, with

18 meters high and 1.5 meters wide.

For more infomation >> #55 - The Roman aqueduct of Peña Cortada - Duration: 7:23.


Canadá regresa al Tratado de Libre Comercio | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Canadá regresa al Tratado de Libre Comercio | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 1:02.


Pareja de Ítalo Passalacqua revela cómo fueron los últimos días del periodista - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Pareja de Ítalo Passalacqua revela cómo fueron los últimos días del periodista - Duration: 5:41.


Más de mil menores inmigrantes todavía viven en carpas en Texas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Más de mil menores inmigrantes todavía viven en carpas en Texas | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:51.


El triste drama del "Poeta" de Morandé con Compañía - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> El triste drama del "Poeta" de Morandé con Compañía - Duration: 9:09.


Carole Middleton, mère de Kate Middleton : Son déguisement crée un scandale au Royaume Uni - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Carole Middleton, mère de Kate Middleton : Son déguisement crée un scandale au Royaume Uni - Duration: 3:06.


Peñafiel quema Casa Real aireando los "errores" y los "cadáveres" de Doña Sofía - Duration: 5:41.

El último artículo del azote de la Familia Real es explosivo para la imagen de la Reina Emérita.

Ha sobrepasado las fronteras de lo políticamente correcto y ha dado la vuelta a la tortilla.

Especialista en los intrígulis de la Familia y la Casa Real (y en darles disgustos con sus revelaciones),

Jaime Peñafiel vuelve a sacar libro sobre su tema favorito y esta vez le ha tocado el turno a la Reina Emérita con Los ochenta años de Sofía,

del que El Mundo ha publicado un capítulo que deja claro que en el texto va a haber mucha leña que cortar.

Entre otras cosas deja caer que "aunque no tiene corazón de acero" la madre de Felipe VI "difícilmente deja adivinar sus sentimientos" aunque Peñafiel piensa que eso "ocurre,

tan solo, de puertas hacia afuera.

Porque en su hogar, en La Zarzuela, los problemas de su vida, como le ocurre a cualquier mujer,

sí que deben de afectar a la convivencia y a la estabilidad emocional incluso con sus más directos colaboradores y el servicio".

En este punto dice saber "por testimonios personales de quienes han trabajado para ella que no es una patrona difícil y se muestra bastante humana en las relaciones con la gente y con quienes la sirven".

Eso sí, "aunque practica la regla de oro de la Familia Real británica.

"¡Por amor de Dios, nunca delante del servicio!", ha habido situaciones en las que el carácter heredado de su madre ha dejado algún que otro cadáver".

Puesto que una de las cosas de las que más se habla en los últimos tiempos es de su relación sentimental con Don Juan Carlos,

Peñafiel se mete de lleno en este asunto y asegura que aunque siempre se ha culpado al Emérito de ser el causante de todo lo malo y el responsable del fin del matrimonio "pienso que no sólo él" sino "también ella puede que tenga cierta culpa".

Y ya que está enumera algunos de los "errores cometidos por Doña Sofía en todos los años de su matrimonio" y recalca que "hay bastantes más".

A saber: Haber perdonado excesivas veces las numerosas infidelidades del Rey.

Haber tolerado los malos modos que el Rey, públicamente, ha infringido sobre ella.

Aquella huida a La India con sus hijos, para llorar en el hombro de su madre. No haberse divorciado en su momento.

El haber educado mal a sus hijos, siendo su responsabilidad.

El apoyo incondicional a su hijo, por encima del Rey Juan Carlos.

Haber aceptado la 'plebeyización' de la monarquía con la boda de Felipe y Letizia.

Haber amparado y protegido la boda, cuando la primera decisión del Rey Juan Carlos fue no autorizarla.

La actual situación de la familia, demuestra que ha sido un error.

Haber intentado ayudar, inútilmente a Letizia, para que el matrimonio funcionara cuando, como se ve en demasiadas ocasiones, no funciona.

Haber defendido siempre a Iñaki Urdangarin por aquello de que es "un chico bueno, bueno, buenísimo y con un gran fondo moral".

Haber viajado a Washington en pleno escándalo para respaldar a la Infanta Cristina y a su marido.

La portada del Hola, posando con su hija y yerno, apartado ya éste de la Familia, por conducta no adecuada.

No solo permitir sino acompañar a Iñaki a visitar al Rey, tras el accidente de Botsuana.

Permitir la presencia del yerno en La Zarzuela el día de Nochebuena, sabiendo la situación entre éste y su hijo Felipe.

Viajar a Ginebra para ver a los Urdangarin, de manera pública y no haberlo de forma discreta.

Haber antepuesto el papel de madre y abuela al de Reina, contradiciendo lo que siempre dijo: "Mi vida, es la vida del Rey.

Yo no tengo un estatus propio como Reina. No tengo otra vida. Lo mío es ayudar, lo mío es servir". El Rey es él.

El apoyo público a su hija Cristina, sin tener en cuenta el daño que estaba haciendo a la Institución,

al Rey y a la Familia Real y su deseo de mantener, si no unida, al menos reunida a la familia.

Haber aceptado participar en los 'paripés' a la puerta del hospital, después del violento y grave incidente de la catedral y en el mercado de Palma, sin soltar la manita de su nieta Leonor que la había rechazado.

For more infomation >> Peñafiel quema Casa Real aireando los "errores" y los "cadáveres" de Doña Sofía - Duration: 5:41.


Asesinan al empresarioIsaías Gómez, esposo de la actriz Sharis Cid - Duration: 1:38.

 El empresario Isaías Gómez, esposo de la actriz Sharis Cid, fue asesinado con arma de fuego, en San Miguel de Allende

 Los hechos se registraron el domingo cerca de las 17:15 horas por el mirador Pedro Vargas, una de las zonas más transitadas de la ciudad

TE RECOMENDAMOS: Gracias por todo amor mío: Sharis Cid, tras asesinato de su esposo San Miguel de Allende, Capital Americana de la Cultura 2019  Según testigos el hombre estaba a punto de descender de su automóvil cuando un sujeto a bordo de una motocicleta le disparó al menos en cinco ocasiones y se dio a la fuga

 El empresario se encontraba en la ciudad por la inauguración de un hotel del cual él era socio

 Autoridades locales desplegaron un operativo para dar con el agresor, mientras que elementos del Servicio Médico Forense trasladaron el cuerpo para realizar la necropsia de ley


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