what was your favorite scene to film oh they're scenes that aren't in this movie
there are like 30 40 minutes worth of scenes that on in this movie your
favorite like mad puppet Aryan scenes like dark comedy scenes do they mean
that just never made it you know like they are just pure that's for me for me
in terms of you enjoyed filming they did making film is probably they weren't any
good bro I hate to break it to you you had a meeting we watched a we liked it
told me dude making so much but it was it wasn't like plays in my face
hello darkness my old friend what was your favorite scene all right
it was the scene that we did where we attack together together and and you
were much much better well I've taken up enough of your time so what is good
YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Venom movies so we know today it is
Monday and the venom movie comes out internationally on Wednesday then comes
out in America on Friday which I didn't actually know so if you're new to the
channel make sure to subscribe if you want to so there's a very interesting
interview which I'm gonna play a bit of other start a video which would already
played now from a very good YouTube of court comics explain who got to
interview Tom Hardy but what was said in this interview was very interesting he
was asked a question what was your favorite scenes and he responded with
this things that aren't in the movie he went on say there is something like 30
to 40 minutes worth of scenes that just aren't in the movie dark comedy scenes
pop of teens mad scenes so it's kind of interesting because initially
saying that was supposed to be pg-13 now obviously it's pg-13 in America but 15
in UK so it appears if there's this much footage they cut out was it initially
supposed to be r-rated but Sony got cold feet at the last con a few months and
made it like pg-13 in America it's a bit strange for Tom Hardy to say the best
scenes of the movies are the ones you're not actually gonna see what are in these
scenes it's this kind of spoilery territory or is that that much deleted
scenes that they're going to bring out an r-rated like extended cut I mean I
know they said the fact it's gonna be PG is because of spider-man but if spy
Don's not in the movie why does it even have to be with eg 13 I'm a bit confused
if you've got any more information about why it will be pg-13 when spider-man's
not even in the movie I know they said down a line they wouldn't bring
spider-man but if the first venom movies are rate it doesn't mean later down line
they can't change to be like pg-13 it's very strange so in my review for the
movie will be up on Wednesday which is probably before most of my viewers
actually get to watch the movie but I will make it clear that there won't be
any spoilers in the title or anything so something that's hitting into that kind
of hard I mean I don't really think it's worrying is the review embargo for venom
is over on October the second 7:30 Pt time so basically the embargo is lifted
literally just before it comes out internationally and a few people online
and making a big deal about this there really could be a massive spoiler in the
movie that they're not trying to get out I mean you just got to think of Avengers
infinity war the embargo for that was lifted quite soon - the movie being
released like really close it was harder to get like press kind of media
screenings for that kind of movie they were keeping everything on the low-key
they weren't let letting everyone watch the final version of it because I didn't
want any spoilers to get out so I see a lot of people trashing on venom because
the embargo is lifted so late I mean you only have to come read it and actually
look at the post and it says yeah this movie was doomed from the start
Amy Pascal it's her problem then it's like ah we know this from the first
teaser no no guys we're not like this here no you can't judge a movie being so
terrible because the embargo is lifted just
before it comes out this movie already has so much hype with the cast with Tom
Hardy going around to promote it it's actually tracking to me one of the best
movies come out in October ever so I can't see this movie being bad I mean I
watch every single comic book movie regardless but this is I'm highly
anticipating for this movie and I will be shocked if Tom Hardy can't do this
role well seeing as how good of an actor he is you just have to see him kill the
bane role to figure out how good is as we know Tom Hardy will be playing Eddie
Brock and venom voicing both of them and it's gonna be interesting because I
don't think the social media embargo has been lefted yet I know the review
embargo which is different people can say things on Twitter and generally I'm
expecting that to be lifted today but I have seen something that implies
something which is interesting so once the review embargo is up the
movie will basically be out so careful for spoilers Tuesday night anyway guys
let me know what you think about these deleted scenes are these deleted scenes
key anyway guys I will catch you with another commentary informative video
very soon like always guys check out the twitch channel link in description check
out the discord server and please like subscribe and comment and share and I
will catch you in another video very soon gotcha
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